» bond updateACC Newsroom | Austin Community College District

Construction updates at Highland and Rio Grande: May/June 2020

The Highland Campus South Parking Garage hit another milestone this summer. Construction crews added the college’s name to the external-facing wall, which is visible from Interstate 35, Highway 290, and areas to the east and … Continue reading

Construction updates at Highland and Rio Grande: March/April 2020

Despite a brief shutdown and some challenges with delayed deliveries due to the COVID-19 pandemic, construction marches forward on the Rio Grande and Highland campus projects, which both reached significant milestones in the past month. … Continue reading

Celebrating progress: RRC topping out celebration marks construction milestone

ACC and its construction partners celebrated progress at Round Rock Campus Phase 2 with a topping out celebration Friday, September 15, 2017.   Construction crews, crafts workers, architects, engineers, and others on the project team … Continue reading

New street names approved for San Gabriel campus

The Austin Community College District Board of Trustees approved names for five additional streets at the San Gabriel campus. The approved street names and their connection to ACC are: ACCelerator Avenue: This street recognizes ACC’s … Continue reading

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