Austin Community College District’s (ACC) Center for Peace & Conflict Studies has been awarded a prestigious $10,000 grant from Interfaith America. This grant, one of only 11 Inspiring Campus Change grants given out this year, … Continue reading

ACC offers support to help you pursue your dreams and pay for college
When Monyce Fleming decided to enroll in college she wasn’t sure where to go or how to start. As the first person in her family to go to college, she had a lot of questions. … Continue reading

ACC como pagar la Universidad
Cuando Monyce Fleming decidió matricularse para la universidad, no estaba segura a donde ir o cómo empezar. Siendo la primera en su familia en ir a la universidad, tenía muchas dudas. “Hay muchísimo que aprender, … Continue reading

ACC disbursed $55 million+ to help students cover expenses during COVID
Austin Community College District (ACC) continues its work to make college something everyone can afford and pursue. To date, the college has distributed more than $55 million to over 15,500 students through the Higher Education … Continue reading

ACC awarded two national grants to target equity gaps in higher education
Austin Community College District (ACC) was awarded two national Department of Education (ED) grants to support the college’s work toward closing equity gaps and increasing student success. “The best way we can support our community … Continue reading

ACC Board of Trustees November 2 Recap
The Austin Community College District (ACC) Board of Trustees met for its regular meeting on Monday, November 2, to hear college updates, discuss the financial report, and learn about two new grants for student success … Continue reading

ACC distributed $3.9 million to help students pay for college & expenses amid COVID-19
Austin Community College District (ACC) continues to distribute funds for students impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). In spring and summer semesters, more than 3,600 students received federal aid dollars through the ACC CARES Act … Continue reading