New study suggests handwriting engages the brain more than typing
CTV News
A new study out of Norway suggests that handwriting and drawing engages the brain far more than typing on a keyboard, after measuring the brain activity of children and young adults performing these tasks. The research, published this past summer in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, looked at a small sample size of twelve children and twelve young adults. Read More
How decoding dyslexia can help decode the mind
Scientific American
During this school year, thousands of children will begin reading. Despite their best efforts, however, up to a tenth of them will struggle. If we were aware of the early warning signs, we could help these children by using research-based remediation. But dyslexia is poorly understood by the public. Unveiling these misconceptions can help millions of children. It could also help decode the human mind. Read More
A world without pain
The New Yorker
We like to think that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, or more resilient, or … something. Deeper. Wiser. Enlarged. There is “glory in our sufferings,” the Bible promises. “Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” In this equation, no pain is too great to be good. “The darker the night, the brighter the stars,” Dostoyevsky wrote. “The deeper the grief, the closer is God!” Read More
Getting the brain’s attention
New technology helps dissect how it ignores or acts on information
Today, the internet is a sensory free-for-all: Pop-up ads burst into articles every few paragraphs, stealing the screen with lollipop colors and music, shouting product information from unseen corners. The human body is not so different. Every fingernail, elbow, nostril, and eyebrow is constantly vying for the brain’s attention. Read More
Why Your Brain Needs Exercise
The evolutionary history of humans explains why physical activity is important for brain health. Read More
5 vitamin deficiencies that can affect your sleep
We know that diet and sleep are deeply connected. But the truth is, we don’t know nearly enough yet about how individual nutrients impact our sleep. Here, I look at 5 vitamins that appear to play a role in how much sleep we get and how restful and high-quality that sleep is. Read More
American Psychological Association
Association for Psychological Science
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