Our Magazine

Founded in 2018 through El Centro at ACC’s Riverside Campus, A Collaborative Culture newsletter was created as a tool to further the purpose of educating and bringing a much-needed dialogue about the impact our students and community face surrounding systemic issues.

Presently, A Collaborative Culture magazine, in collaboration with TRHT, continues to examine multifaceted relationships at ACC. We understand that ACC has many voices amongst our students, staff, and faculty which makes these conversations vital.

We ask that you read our publications with openness and curiosity. Let your discussions discover commonalities, explore differences, and create dialogue to share experiences and address the many cultural narratives present in our unique academic, professional, and daily journeys.

Access Our Newsletters Below

View A Collaborative Culture’s Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 newsletters below. All previous newsletters are available here.

Pick up a print copy of the newsletter at any of ACC’s Student Life Lounges, Cultural Centers, and the ACC Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Center.