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Gabriel Bertram Bellinghausen, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
  • Sacred Spaces

    I recently sold my parents’ house.  They built it, and it had sheltered the Scott family (and only the Scott family) for over 60 years.  A friend of mine referred to that house as a sacred space, and it got me thinking about sacred spaces. What are your sacred spaces?  Is it a house? A…

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    Sacred Spaces

    I recently sold my parents’ house.  They built it, and it had sheltered the Scott family (and only the Scott family) for over 60 years.  A friend of mine referred to that house as a sacred space, and it got me thinking about sacred spaces. What are your sacred spaces?  Is it a house? A…

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    Here We Come A Wassailing

    I am currently reading North Woods by Daniel Mason.  Is it a brilliant brook that tells the story of our country through the people who live in a particular place in New England, spanning from Puritan times to the present.  I want to offer a quote from the book; this quote is in the voice…

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    Radical Transparency, Radical Simplicity, Radical Trust

    Many of you have heard our chancellor talk about radical transparency and radical simplicity.  In a conversation with the instructional leadership team, one of them added the third leg of the stool:  radical trust. What is radical transparency?  Does it mean we talk about everything?  Does it mean we are expected to answer every question? …

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