Category: Updates

  • “Be Where Your Feet Are”

    Do you make resolutions for the new year? I typically don’t. Which is not to say that I don’t respect those who do. I like to believe that new year’s resolutions reflect intentionality and thoughtfulness and self-awareness, so if you make resolutions, I applaud you. And even though I see myself as intentional and thoughtful…

  • The Community College Mission

    Many of you have heard me “preach the gospel” of the community college mission. You know that I believe in who we are and who we serve. We are an open access institution and we serve all comers. We serve high school students who are getting a jump on college. We serve students who need…

  • Teaching in Six Words: Teacher Appreciation Week Edition

    In February I launched this form to allow faculty members to submit their six-word teaching statement. Modeled on Six Word Memoirs, I’m asking any and all faculty to submit their view of teaching in six words. (Keep those submission coming!) Since it’s teacher appreciation week, I thought I would offer a few more of the…

  • Two Years Later

    In our break room on the 6th floor of HBC there are a couple of cubbyholes where things are stored – they contain boxes, a small desk, and more boxes. While waiting for my coffee to brew this afternoon, I noticed this on the wall of one of those cubbyholes. I’ve glanced at it dozens…

  • Our Mission

    I know that some of my friends and colleagues get tired of this, but I truly believe in the mission of community colleges – which means I love to tell stories about the impact that we can have. Our mission of open doors and equal access, of equity in student success, and of completion and…

  • Six Words: The Post-Spring Break Edition

    I am so enjoying this experiment. A few weeks ago I created a form through which faculty could submit their “Teaching in Six Words” statements. I love hearing from faculty all over the college and learning more about how they see their role as teachers. To celebrate the beautiful Spring weather, and the return to…

  • International Women’s Day

    In honor of International Women’s Day, I thought I’d write about some of the women I admire. These are women I know/knew personally, women who have influenced me on my journey. It’s not an exhaustive list – just a few names that popped into my head when I saw today’s Google Doodle “celebrating progress on…

  • Six Words Tuesday

    I love the idea of faculty members describing their teaching in six words. And luckily for me, faculty are finding this exercise to be worthwhile as well. If you would like to submit your six word teaching statement, please do so via this link. I hope to highlight several submissions each week as a way…

  • Twosday Equals Six Words

    In honor of Twosday (2-22-22), I thought I would launch my new periodic topic: Teaching in Six Words. (And no, there’s no clear connection – but it seemed like a good “hook”!) We have remarkably creative, clever, committed faculty whom I would like to celebrate. So I’ve invited faculty to craft a six word vision…

  • The Power of ACC

    Like you, I’m exhausted. I’m frustrated. I’m frazzled. I’m unfocused. But do I have a pick-me-up for us all – a note from a student about the power of ACC and our comprehensive, open door, open access mission. This email found its way by a rather circuitous route to Ron Johns, who shared it with…

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