Category: Updates
Slump (Concrete)
ACC is committed to supporting the workforce needs of our region. To that end, we are partnering with Texas Workforce Solutions, the City of Austin, unions, and local employers to develop the Infrastructure Academy to ensure that our region has the skilled workers needed to meet our mobility and infrastructure goals in the next decade…
Brotherly Shove (AKA Tush Push)
As I watched the NFL playoffs in January, the announcers periodically referenced the “tush push”. In the Philadelphia game (for the NFC conference championship) the announcers referred to the “brotherly shove”. Both the tush push and the brotherly shove refer to the same short-yardage play, in which the team lines up behind the quarterback and…
Sacred Spaces
I recently sold my parents’ house. They built it, and it had sheltered the Scott family (and only the Scott family) for over 60 years. A friend of mine referred to that house as a sacred space, and it got me thinking about sacred spaces. What are your sacred spaces? Is it a house? A…
Here We Come A Wassailing
I am currently reading North Woods by Daniel Mason. Is it a brilliant brook that tells the story of our country through the people who live in a particular place in New England, spanning from Puritan times to the present. I want to offer a quote from the book; this quote is in the voice…
Radical Transparency, Radical Simplicity, Radical Trust
Many of you have heard our chancellor talk about radical transparency and radical simplicity. In a conversation with the instructional leadership team, one of them added the third leg of the stool: radical trust. What is radical transparency? Does it mean we talk about everything? Does it mean we are expected to answer every question? …
Persistent Resilience
I am a baseball fan. I have loved baseball for as long as I can remember. I recall being in grade school and wanting to stay inside during recess to watch a bit of a World Series game – back when those games were mostly played during the day. I recall sitting in a graduate…
I am butter spread over too much bread
J.R.R.Tolkien famously wrote in The Lord of the Rings “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.” Are you feeling that way? I hear from faculty these days that they are feeling tired, burned out, and overworked. I continue to hear about a post-COVID malaise or weariness that, for some,…
ACC Values: Yes
Under the leadership of our new Chancellor, ACC’s students participated in guided discussions about the sort of college that they need us to be. Their discussions led to four values that are now guiding (and will continue to guide) our work: Courage, Compassion, Joy, and Yes. This is the fourth and last in a series…
ACC Values: Joy
Under the leadership of our new Chancellor, ACC’s students participated in guided discussions about the sort of college that they need us to be. As you know, their discussions led to four values that are now guiding (and will continue to guide) our work: Courage, Compassion, Joy, and Yes. This is the third in a…