
History Task Force Agenda
Department of History Meeting
Spring Annual Meeting
April 8, 2016 in HBC at 12:00

1. Dean Scott spoke about the concept of Curriculum Mapping as a part of the Guided Pathways process.

2. The Department passed a new A.A. Degree Plan for an award in History. The new Degree Plan is published in the 2016-2017 College Catalog.

3. Dean Scott explained the process for allocating the S&BS travel budget.

4. Georgia Xydes presented the Textbook Committee Report which was adopted by the Department. We will continue to review electronic textbooks in the future.

5. Faculty wishing input on the retention of specific Library books and materials for their courses should contact the following librarians:

6. The Department adopted the following policy for laptops and electronic devices in the classroom:

The History Department delegates to the individual professor the right to ban any and all laptops, electronic tablets, i-phones, texting devices or any other electronic communications from use in the classroom. If the professor allows the use of any such devices in the classroom, it is strictly for purposes of taking notes and participating in official classroom activities. Electronic devices may not be accessed at any time during testing. Any violations of this policy may cause the student to be withdrawn from the class.

7. The Department adopted the following policy for “extra credit” in History classes:

The History Department discourages the use of “extra credit” within courses offered by the Department. Our courses offer sufficient opportunities within the requirements of the course for a capable college student to earn the grade of “A” without any “extra credit” providing they attend class, take careful notes, study the relevant material, perform well on tests, and complete the required written work.
Upper division history courses, into which we prepare our students to transfer, do not offer “extra credit.” Therefore, there is no need for “extra credit” in a college-level course.

8. Jennifer Rutsch made a presentation concerning the various editions of the Roark textbook and ancillaries.

9. Kevin Aaron of Pierson made a presentation on the REVEL ancillary & announced the Divine textbook will continue to be available.

10. The Meeting adjourned at 2:30pm.

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