Links to History Sites on the Internet
The future is certain, it is only the past that is unpredictable.
Old Soviet Joke
- This Day In History
- Histography: Timeline of History
- ACC Library Research Guides It is worth spending some time going through the resources compiled by ACC librarians Jonathan Buckstead, Jon Luckstead and Cary Sowell. There is a lot of good information to help you find books, articles, primary sources and more. There are also guides to help you write papers and how to cite the sources you use. Make sure to look through ACC’s History Databases and American History Online. You might also want to look at the writing and research guide from Bowdoin College.
- Library of Congress guides for finding and citing primary sources
- Web Sites for Native American History
- Some American Civil War Internet Sites
- Web Sites Concerning the American South
- A Selection of African-American History Web Sites
- Women’s History Sites on the Internet
- Some Military History Internet Sites
- American Colonial History Links
- Web Sites for the History of the American West
- Western Civilization Links
- Cold War Sites
- Latin American History Links
- Texas History Sites
- Depression Era
- The 1960s
- General Sites for the History Profession
- U.S.Government and Government Resources
- Resources for the Teaching Profession
- Reference Sources