Emeritus Professors Lecture Series
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Northridge Campus Lecture Hall, Bldg. 4000
Dr. Kyle Wilkison: Rural Conflict and the Human Cost of Industrialization
Dr. Wilkison received his Ph.D fronm Vanderbilt University and is a Professor of History at Collin College. His book, Yeomen, Sharecroppers and Socialists: Plain Folk Protest in Texas, 1870-1914 (Texas A&M Press, 2008), recently won four academic awards. The East Texas Historical Association named it the 2009 Book of the Year. The Texas State Historical Association awarded it the Kate Broocks Bates award. The Texas Historical Commission chose it for the prestigious T.R. Fehrenback Book Award. The American Library Association’s CHOICE Magazine named it to its list of “Outstanding Academic Titles of 2009.” The book has also received critical acclaim in the national scholarly journals. Dr. Wilkison is descended from East Texas small farmers and considers himself to be a displaced rural person liviing in bemused exile in surburbia. He is only the second generation of his family to own an automobile and the first generation to graduate from high school.
Dr. T. Lindsay Baker: History and Place: The 1927 Stanton Frame-Up
Dr. Baker has taught history and directed museums at several universities across Texas and overseas. He received his Ph.D. at Texas Tech University and has written over twenty books on the history of Texas and the American West. He managed the Center for the History of Engineering at Texas Tech, founded the museum of Texas Military History at Hill College in Hillsboro, and currently directs the W.K. Gordon Center for Industrial History of Texas for Tarleton State University. Baker has written on multiple aspects of the Texas past, from the commercial buffalo hunts of the 1870s to lighthouses on the Gulf coast, and is best known for his multiple books on American farm windmills. He is the most published author at the Texas A&M University Press. Baker’s most recent book, Gangester Tour of Texas, provides background facts on the1927 Stanton Frame-Up. It takes the reader on a trip back in time , to t Texas where air conditioning is unknown, where tiny banks operate in almost every little town, and where the likes of Clyde Barrow, Joe Newton and Machine Gun Kelly careen in old-time cars down unpaved roads at breakneck speed.
Dr. Emilio Zamora: Texas Agrarian Rebels and the Mexican Revolution
Dr. Zamora is a Fulbright Scholar and Professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin. He haws authored three books, co-edited three anthologies, assisted in the production of a Texas history text, and published numerous scholarly articles. Zamora has garnered six best book awards, a best article prize, and a Fulbright Garcia-Robles fellowship in 2007-08. His latest publications are Claiming Rights and Righting Wrongs in Texas, Mexican Job Politics during World War II and Beyond the Latino World War II Hero: The Social and Political Legacy of a Generation. Zamora is the Principal Investigator of the Tejano History Curriculum Project, a curriculum development and implementation project sponsored by the Tejano Monument Inc., a Fellow in the Texas State Historical Association, a member of the Institute of Texas Letters, and a Fellow of the Barbara White Stuart Centennial Professorship in Texas History at the University of Texas.