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I decided to return to school this semester after taking a break for over 3 years. In that time, I had my son, who is now 2. I know that returning to school after having a baby means more challenges and finding time to complete assignments, but I believe that in the end it will be well worth the effort. I have taken courses at the community college level before, but I never knew what I wanted to major in. I have always loved the medical field and I truly enjoy helping people. For me, nursing seemed like a natural choice. I will be enrolled in just two classes each semester since I do work two part-time jobs and care for my son, but I should be able to start the core curriculum for the nursing program this fall. I want to be an example for my son, that hard work and dedication pay off in rewarding ways. I am excited to be enrolled in college again, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds! ACC is helping me accomplish my goals and dreams.