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When I was growing up I did very well in school, until I reached high school. My life became a veritable disaster, and continued to be so until the summer/early fall of 2009. Events that I experienced during my high school career lead me to not continue taking classes, and to get my GED instead of a diploma. This is something that I greatly regret, however, I feel that I have been given a second chance to get a good education by coming to Austin Community College. Even while I was going through trying times I attempted to attend classes at ACC. However, the attempt was not successful. I had to stop attending classes when I lost my place of residence and someone stole my car. At the time that I lost my place of residence I started staying in a pay-by-the-week hotel. And, when my car was stolen I lost my job, as I could not perform essential duties for the position without a vehicle. This lead to me being without any type of residence for some months, and because of this situation, I had to discontinue taking classes in 2001. In the fall of 2009 I was finally able to return to taking classes at ACC. I have now completed two semesters, with a current GPA of 4.0 in classes that will transfer to a university after my time at ACC is done. My goal is to become a teacher so I can help pass knowledge on to students, so they can succeed in life. By doing this, I hope to leave my mark on the world, for as an educator, if you touch the life of just one child you have made a difference in the world. As an educator, I want to be there for students, help any way that I can, and when I see someone going through the things that I experienced in my High-school career, perhaps I can help them to succeed and better handle what they experience than I did when I was their age. I am now entering my third semester at ACC. This past semester I completed Education 1301 with an “A.” Along with this, during the time I have been here, I have been a writer for The Accent, an active member of Phi Theta Kappa, in which I earned gold level membership by attending meetings and doing volunteer work throughout the community. I have recently been elected as Student Government Senator for the Northridge Campus for the 2010-2011 school year. I spend time working as an advocate for students, and working to help others when they need help in classes and with their studies.