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Once upon a time, there was a very young girl who looked into the blue eyes of a blonde-haired young man and fell completely off the earth in love. The young girl at age 18 married the perfect man and lived happily ever after. It is the story between “love at age 18” and the “happily ever after” with the perfect man that makes me “I am ACC.” Having three babies by age 26 and working full time while raising a family left little room for college. However, I knew that education was the key to success, and I must set an example for my children. Taking night college classes over the years between colicky babies and business trips has led me to today, at age 58, graduation with an associate degree in business administration. It has been a long struggle, but I am very proud of my determination and success. The professors at ACC have been knowledgeable and enthusiastic about their subjects, which inspired me to work hard and continue on. They gave me encouragement and helped build my confidence in reaching my goal. The first day of Biology 1409, I announced to Dr. Takata that I saved his class for last because I was so terrified of the subject matter. He said, “Work hard, and you will do fine.” I did, and he was right – came out with flying colors! The young girl and the perfect man will celebrate this December graduation and their 40th wedding anniversary in January. I am Karen Lee of Bastrop, Texas, and I am ACC.