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I worked in the financial aid field for almost 20 years, always advising students and families to get a higher education, even though I secretly had never finished my degree. I began a new job in 2006 for a private student lender, and in the economic crisis of 2008, that company folded. I quickly discovered that the lack of a degree was hampering my chances for getting ANY job, so I registered for ACC in Round Rock and attended until 2010. I transferred to Texas State University-San Marcos, at the Round Rock Higher Education Center and will graduate May 2011 with a BAAS. I could never have done this without attending ACC. I’d have given up hope and would probably have slid backward down the career path, instead of advancing. Thanks ACC! I am turning 50 this month, so I say it’s never too late to achieve your goals, and ACC can surely help you get there!