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I am ACC. At the age of 6, I failed the first grade. As I got older I began to struggle in school and almost failed the 10th grade. Fifteen years later I relocated to Texas from Virginia and decided I wanted to go to college and get a college degree. I have been enrolled since the fall of 2006. I joined Phi Theta Kappa and became an officer. I have won the Who’s Who Among American College Students, Black Students Success Committee Award, and scholarships. After nearly dying last year, I decided to make a difference. I got involved with Student Life and the Student Government Association and became an Orientation Leader and Eastview’s Senator. I’m on CAB and the Student Life liaison with Phi Theta Kappa. ACC has given me the skills and ability to triumph over all obstacles and barriers and ups-and-downs. I have gained valuable leadership skills and the confidence to make things happen and to make a difference. I also got to shake our very own President Obama’s hand thanks to Student Life. Thank you ACC. You have truly been a blessing.