Austin Community College congratulates the recipients of the following annual awards recognizing excellence in teaching and leadership.
“These outstanding faculty, staff, and administrators bring so much to our ACC community,” says ACC President/CEO Dr. Richard Rhodes. “Their commitment to our mission and our students is evident in their dedication and the insight and energy they bring to their roles.”
Recipients will be honored at the ACC awards dinner Thursday, April 6, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Austin. Visit the Faculty Development website for details about the dinner. Tickets can be purchased through Marketplace.

Bob Blodgett

Mario Aguilar
Teaching Excellence Award
Recipients of ACC’s 2017 Teaching Excellence Award are Dr. Robert Blodgett, professor of geology, and Mario Aguilar, adjunct, professor of paralegal, management, real estate.
The Teaching Excellence Award honors one full-time and one adjunct faculty member who promote special learning opportunities, student interaction, and innovation. Recipients are nominated by faculty, staff, and students and selected by an awards committee.
Leadership awards
ACC Leadership Award recipients are selected for their strong leadership and their willingness to go above and beyond their job duties in serving the ACC community. They are:
Classified Employee of the Year: Marc Petrick, library services senior IT technician
Professional-Technical Employee of the Year: Sara Ervin, veterinary technology coordinator
Administrator of the Year: Linda Smarzik, dean of computer studies and advanced technology
President’s Leadership Excellence Award: Neil Vickers, executive vice president, finance and administration
Faculty Leader of the Year: Kelle Howard, associate professor of nursing
NISOD Excellence award

NISOD Excellence Award recipients
The following NISOD Excellence Award recipients were selected from the nominees for ACC teaching and leadership awards. NISOD (National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development) emphasizes the importance of teaching and leadership excellence in institutions of higher education. NISOD Award recipients will be recognized at the annual NISOD Conference in Austin in May.
Matthew Belzer, assistant professor of biology
Roy Casagranda, associate professor of government
April Marie Davis, adjunct professor of English
Sara Ervin, coordinator, Veterinary Technology
Julie Kostka, associate professor of mathematics
Stephanie Martin, adjunct associate professor of biology
Marc Petrick, library services senior IT technician
Anaka Rivera, adjunct professor of government
Dr. Ziv Shafir, associate professor of psychology & student development
Abel Luis Villarreal, adjunct professor of educational instruction and mathematics
Piper professor nominee
Stacey Thompson Stover, professor of English and developmental writing, is ACC’s nominee for the 2017 Piper Professor award for outstanding achievement by a college faculty member in Texas.
Piper nominees are chosen for their effectiveness in dealing with students, as well as their activities and service outside the classroom. The Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation each spring selects 10 professors statewide for its Piper award. Recipients receive a $5,000 honorarium.
John and Suanne Roueche Excellence award

Roueche Excellence Award recipients with Dr. Rhodes.
The John & Suanne Roueche Excellence Award celebrates outstanding contributions and leadership by community college faculty and staff. Recipients are from institutions participating in the League for Innovation in the Community College and are recognized at several activities and events. Recipients are:
Mario Aguilar, adjunct professor, paralegal, management, and real estate
Dr. Robert Blodgett, professor of geology
Kelle Howard, associate professor of nursing
Linda Smarzik, dean of computer studies and advanced technology
Stacey Thompson Stover, professor of English and developmental writing
Neil Vickers, executive vice president, finance and administration
For more information about each of these awards and their criteria, visit ACC’s Awards & Recognition webpage.
Tags: Leadership Awards, Piper Professor, Roueche Excellence, Teaching Awards, teaching excellence
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