You’re never too young or old to start investing. The truth is investing is important at every age. ACC’s Student Money Management Office partners with the University Federal Credit Union (UFCU) to offer these three reasons you might learn to invest, regardless of your birth date.
A Message from University Federal Credit Union
If you are under a certain age, investing might be the last thing on your mind. If you are over a certain age, you might think it’s too late to start investing now. The truth is investing is important at every age. Consider these three reasons you might learn to invest, regardless of your birthdate.
Investing Promotes Discipline
When you create a consistent investment plan, you’re in essence saving money to earn money. Setting aside money every month for investing will keep you from spending that money on unnecessary expenditures. Investing your money demonstrates a concern for the future and a discipline that could make a difference during your retirement years.
Many people think investing is complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Finding the best CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional or financial advisor for you can simplify the process of deciding how to invest your money. Financial advisors can assist you in leveraging your money today to help you plan for tomorrow.
Investing May Help Improve Your Quality of Life
Most of us are not in a position to invest in a way that will end in early retirement at a villa in Italy. But most of us tend to have a little room to save. Regardless of your age, consider setting aside at least enough money to alleviate your stress level. Try an online retirement calculator to help determine how much you may need to save to retire comfortably.
Even though it might be challenging to set aside money now, making any contribution to your retirement at any age can not only impact your future, but also your stress level.
Wise Investments May Provide Income, Even After You’ve Retired
Of course there have been dips and recessions, but remember to look at the big picture when it comes to your investments. Focus on your long-term gains as opposed to worrying about every short-term drop. If you focus on playing the long game and stay informed, you’ll be well on your way to making smarter long-term investments.
Consider Investing, at Any Age
When you first start learning to invest, meet with a professional to discuss your finances and the best way to get started. In time, you might decide to manage your own portfolio. Ultimately, no matter what your age, investing can help you work toward creating a valuable safety net for your retirement years. And even for those of us who don’t end up in an Italian villa, we can still dream about — and work toward — enjoying a comfortable retirement.
Want to learn more?
Connect with ACC’s Student Money Management team to access tools designed to support you or to find a schedule of events and workshops that can help you with your personal finance questions.
Want more from UFCU? Visit your local branch anytime to chat with a Personal Financial Representative.
Tags: Financial Tips, Investing, UFCU, UFCU Tips
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