ACC Highland redevelopment update

Renovation work continues on ACC Highland Phase 2.

Interior open space with steel framing and unfinished floor

Demolition of the southeast portion of the building is complete, and construction on the college’s drama and dance departments and assembly areas for occupancy load, vibration, and clear-span of columns/beams is underway. Steel erection, roofing, and underground utility work are ongoing.

Concrete has been poured for the meeting presentation hall and music performance hall and elevator shafts are complete. Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work is 55 percent installed.

While construction progresses, the ACC Board of Trustees approved the terms of a 25-year lease agreement with Austin-PBS, KLRU at its January 14 regular meeting.

ACC and KLRU announced plans last summer to co-locate administrative offices and television studios in the former women’s Dillard’s building at ACC Highland.

KLRU is expected to  present the lease to its board in February.

The Highland Phase 2 renovations are part of the $386 million in capital improvement projects approved by ACC District voters in the November 2014 bond election. For more information about bond projects, visit

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