Austin Community College District (ACC) will host a free concert for students featuring rising artist Jessie Murph as part of the National Community College Concert Competition. ACC was chosen from nearly 150 community colleges nationwide … Continue reading

ACC selected to host free concert through Community College Concert Competition featuring Jessie Murph

ACC Votes: Make your voice heard in the May primary runoffs
Early voting for the May 2024 primary runoffs has started! Austin Community College District (ACC) is committed to providing access to nonpartisan information about voter registration and voting procedures. The college encourages students, faculty, and … Continue reading

Make Your Mark: ACC provides nonpartisan support for November 2023 election
Austin Community College District (ACC) encourages Central Texans to make their mark during the upcoming November election. The college remains dedicated to providing access to nonpartisan information about voter registration and voting procedures. ACC Votes … Continue reading

Make Your Mark! ACC professor takes time to allow students to vote together
Austin Community College District (ACC) believes everyone should make their mark this election and provides access to nonpartisan information to Central Texans. One ACC professor made sure to allow time to make sure her students … Continue reading