Matching Student Strengths and Student Rights for Equitable Student Success
Samuel is currently a Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Social Work as well as the coordinator for the American Studies Degree. Previously, he served as ACC Dean of Liberal Arts for Social and Behavioral Sciences. He has also had the good fortune of serving as ACC Faculty Senate President where he was able to connect to faculty across the district. Samuel is originally from Brownsville, Texas, and received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Texas at Austin. Before coming to ACC, Samuel was an assistant professor of Sociology at the Ohio State University, worked as a statistician in the private sector and at UT, and has taught in the MBA, MPH, and undergraduate business program at Concordia University here in Austin. Samuel is the proud father of five sons, three of whom have attended ACC, and is joyfully married to his wife Diane of almost 20 years.