There are no specific requirements to enroll in the Webmaster Certificate Program. However, you should be familiar with using the World Wide Web, and be comfortable with computers and the Internet in general. Later courses in the Webmaster curriculum are considerably advanced. Check the course descriptions for prerequisities for specific courses as well as for any preliminary studies you can do.
If you lack some of this background, you are still welcome in the program, but completing the program may be difficult. Contact the Webmaster Certificate Program Coordinator at 512-223-7588 or at [email protected].
Programming Classes
If you are brand new to programming, you should take Introduction to Programming Languages (does not count as any required or elective class for the Webmaster Certificate, but should be taken by non-programmers prior to enrolling in any programming class).
Can I place out of a prerequisite course?
Yes. If you have taken a similar course at another institution or have equivalent experience, you can take a place-out exam for any of the following courses:
- World Wide Web Authoring & HTML (Part 1)
- World Wide Web Authoring & HTML (Part 2)
- Photoshop 1
- Dreamweaver 1
- Flash 1
Place-out exams cost $60 per exam and are conducted at the Highland Business Center by appointment only. Contact the Webmaster Certificate Program Coordinator for details and to request an exam.