Elizabeth Pintar

Elizabeth Pintar

I have been a member of the Anthropology Department at Austin Community College since 1998. I currently serve as the Chair of Anthropology, Economics and Geography, and teach Introduction to Archaeology and Introduction to Physical Anthropology courses. In these classes we explore the origins of humanity and ancient lifeways, and we address questions such as: Who were our earliest human ancestors? How long ago and where did they live? What tools did they make?

My academic degrees include a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Southern Methodist University, and an M.A. from the University of Tulsa.

In 2011-2012 I was a recipient of a U.S.Fulbright award where I researched the impact of hyper-aridity on early hunter-gatherers in the Puna region of NW Argentina. I am also a Research Affiliate at the Archaeology Institute and Museum (IAM), Universidad Nacional de Tucumán in Argentina. My edited volume Hunter-gatherers from a high-altitude desert. Salt Puna, Argentina (2014, BAR International Series 2641, Archaeopress) summarizes the last 25 years of archaeological research in NW Argentina.

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