revised Sept 2024
The name of the organization shall be the Austin Community College Adjunct Faculty Association, hereafter referred to as the Association.
The purpose of the Association shall be to represent the concerns and serve the interests of the adjunct faculty of Austin Community College, and to facilitate effective communication among all faculty members and between faculty and administration to achieve more effectively the mission of the College.
In order to achieve this purpose, the Association shall:
- Present the views and recommendations of the adjunct faculty to the administration and to the Board of Trustees of the Austin Community College District.
- Be an integral part of the instructional programs, policy-making, and growth plans of the College.
- Foster programs and activities that develop among the adjunct faculty members pride, responsibility, leadership, character, and community involvement.
- Develop cooperation and fellowship among all faculty and across instructional programs of the College.
Section 1: Composition
Membership in the Adjunct Faculty Association includes every current adjunct faculty member at ACC. Membership continues for a 12-month period from the end of his/her most recent assignment, or as defined by HR.
Section 2: Role
- Participate in the nominating process for Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer, and Campus Representatives.
- Participate in elections by voting for Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Communications Officer, and Campus Representatives, and on any changes in the bylaws.
- Vote in referenda on proposed major changes in policies and procedures affecting adjunct faculty if such referenda are called for by the Executive Council of the Association after the topic has appeared on the agenda of at least one Executive Council meeting or General Membership meeting providing an opportunity for discussion and debate.
- Communicate ideas and opinions to Campus Representatives, and to the officers on issues of concern to the adjunct faculty.
- Propose items for the Executive Council agenda.
- Speak to the Executive Council on issues as described in Article VIII (Meetings).
- Serve on committees of the Association.
Section 1: Composition
The Executive Council of the Association shall be composed of the elected officers (President, Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer, and the Immediate Past President) and the elected Campus Representatives.
Section 2: Role
The roles of the Executive Council shall be as follows:
- Serve as the governing body of the Association.
- Represent the concerns and serve the interest of the Association membership.
Section 1: Composition
Campus Representatives will be elected in the number approved for each campus or group. A Campus Representative shall be elected for a one-year term. Terms are from the beginning of the fall semester through the end of the next summer. All Campus Representatives must be current Austin Community College adjunct faculty during the year in which they serve.
Section 2: Role
The roles of the Campus Representatives shall be as follows:
- Attend all meetings of the Executive Council and the Association.
- Participate in discussions and debate in the Executive Council and General Membership meetings.
- Make decisions in light of what is best for the adjunct faculty and College as a whole.
- Serve as a liaison between adjunct faculty and the Executive Council.
- Make recommendations to the President of the Association for committee appointments.
- Be available to serve on committees as assigned by the President of the Association.
- The campus representative must represent the concerns and serve the interests of the adjunct faculty at his/her designated campus.
- Performs other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 3: Removal
A Campus Representative can be removed from office for non-performance. Such removal may be voted on at any Executive Council meeting. A vote to remove must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the Executive Council members.
Section 4: Replacement
If a Campus Representative position becomes vacant during his/her/their year of service, the Executive Council shall appoint a replacement for the remainder of the term.
Section 1: Composition
Officers shall include: President, Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer, and Immediate Past President. No person may hold more than one office simultaneously. The Vice President/President-Elect shall be elected by a vote of the entire adjunct faculty for a one-year term to be followed by a one-year term as President, followed by a one- year term as Immediate Past President (for a total of three years). The Secretary, Communications Officer, and Treasurer each shall be elected by a vote of the entire adjunct faculty for a one-year term.
Section 2: Roles
Officers are to report to the Executive Council members the proceedings of consultations, meetings, or conferences, either scheduled or impromptu, that they attend as representatives of the Executive Council or the Association, before or at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
The officers shall perform the following duties:
- President
- Provides leadership of the Adjunct Faculty Association
- Advocates position of the Adjunct Faculty Association to the Administration
- Attends Board meetings and speaks when given the opportunity.
- Calls meetings to order and sets agenda
- Follows proper parliamentary procedures at meetings
- Entertains all legitimate appeals
- Provides mentorship for the President-Elect.
- Assures that regular meetings of both the Executive Council and the General Membership are held as necessary
- Approves invoices for Association purchase orders and expenses, including reimbursements
- Determines the need for ad hoc committees, with the approval of a majority of the Executive Council
- Serves as ex officio member of all Association committees
- Appoints, with the approval of a majority of the Executive Council, adjunct faculty members to college wide committees, councils, etc., upon request by College administrators
- Maintains and shares committee and Executive Council membership rosters with the Executive Council at the next monthly meeting.
- Prepares and facilitates presentation of written and/or oral reports for adjunct faculty at The Board of Trustees meetings.
- Communicates effectively with members, other employee groups, administration, the Board, and the community
- Automatically becomes Immediate Past President upon the completion of his or her term as President
- Determines AFA budget with Executive Council
- Is a voting member of the Executive Council
- Vice President/President-Elect
- Presides in absence of the President.
- Assumes authority of President in an emergency and automatically becomes President in case of the death, resignation, or removal from office of the elected President.
- Prepares to succeed the President and provides the continuity necessary to the successful functioning of the Adjunct Faculty Association.
- Attends Board meetings.
- Oversees AFA fundraising Committee and events.
- Under the direction of the President, arranges for the General Membership meetings of the Association and the meetings of the Executive Council.
- Solicits names of adjunct faculty members interested in serving on Association committees and College-wide committees, councils, etc., for the following year.
- Automatically becomes President upon the completion of term as Vice President/President-Elect.
- Performs other duties as assigned by the President.
- Shall attend a monthly officer’s meeting when called by the AFA president, either virtual or on campus.
- Is a voting member of the Executive Council.
- Immediate Past President
- Ensures continuity
- Presides in the absence of the President and the Vice president/President-elect
- Assists the President with communications
- Performs other duties as assigned by the President
- Is a member of the Executive Council.
- Shall attend a monthly officer’s meeting when called by the AFA president, either virtual or on campus.
- Is a voting member of the Executive Council
- Parliamentarian Officer
- Presents training and advice to all AFAEC members regarding Robert’s Rules of Order, revised at the annual retreat and/or first meeting of the academic year
- Provides documentation of Robert’s Rules of Order, revised, either print or digital, to all AFAEC members at the annual retreat and/or first meeting of the academic year
- Assists the AFA President in creation of meeting agendas, at the discretion of the President
- Acts as moderator during AFAEC meetings, at the discretion of the President
- Oversees that agenda items remain within their allotted time at AFAEC meetings
- Ensures that AFAEC meetings abide by the current standards of Robert’s Rules of Order, revised
- Assists Secretary in recording the names and roles of individuals participating in AFAEC meetings, such as those who make motions and seconds
- Assists President in recognizing comments, motions, and seconds and giving speakers the floor during AFAEC meetings, at the President’s discretion
- Announces when quorum is met and/or lost at AFAEC meetings
- If quorum is not met, advises the President regarding which part(s) of the agenda’s business can still be followed
- Verifies that the AFA bylaws are being upheld and chairs the Bylaws committee when needed.
- Presides in the absence of the President, Vice President/President-Elect, and Immediate Past-President
- Shall attend a monthly officer’s meeting when called by the AFA President, either virtual or on campus.
- Is a voting member of the Executive Council.
- Secretary
- Maintains records of all proceedings of the Association (takes minutes of General Membership Meetings, Executive Council meetings, and meetings with the administration).
- Maintains complete roll of membership of the Executive Council and the adjunct faculty.
- Maintains all Association non-financial records.
- Provides meeting minutes to the Communications Officer in order to ensure that meeting minutes are accessible to the College President, Board, AFA membership, and other appropriate individuals.
- Presides in absence of President, Vice President/President-Elect, and Immediate Past President.
- Provides all documents and records maintained by the Secretary to the Executive Council in a timely manner.
- Is responsible for the preparation of the association newsletter on a regular basis as set by the President
- Assists the Vice President/President-Elect in arranging for the General Membership meetings of the Association and the meetings of the Executive Council
- Takes minutes of all meetings (General Membership and Executive Council), which should contain:
- The kind of meeting, regular or special
- Date and place of the meeting
- Name of presiding officer
- Action taken on minutes of last meeting
- All main motions, whether adopted or lost
- Points of order and appeal, whether sustained or lost.
- Record of attendance (Executive Council meetings)
- Takes minutes of meetings with members of the administration
- Takes minutes of all meetings, and sends the minutes within 7 days of the meeting to the AFAEC.
- Shall attend a monthly officer’s meeting when called by the AFA president, either virtual or on campus.
- Is a voting member of the Executive Council.
- Treasurer
- Maintains all Association financial records and reports
on them at each AFA meeting or when called by the President.
- Assists in coordination annual AFA fundraising committee.
- Presides in the absence of the President, Vice President/President-Elect, Immediate Past President, and Parliamentarian.
- Receives, records, and disperses all funds, with the President’s approval.
- Submits financial documents to the college on or before their due date.
- Provides all documents and financial records maintained by the Treasurer to the Executive Council in a timely manner
- Shall attend a monthly officer’s meeting when called by the AFA president, either virtual or on campus.
- Is a voting member of the Executive Council.
- Communications Officer
- Manages the official AFA website and updates it at least monthly
- Emails a link to the AFA website with a brief description of its features to all AFA members at the beginning of each fall, spring, and summer semester
- Posts Representative and Officer biographies on the official AFA website after each election or membership change
- Manages AFA’s approved social media, including but not limited to Facebook
- Distributes the association newsletter, as created by the Secretary, to all AFA members via the website and the email communication list.
- Creates and distributes, via the website and email, a monthly Shared Governance Calendar that contains dates, times, and locations of each shared governance meeting, BOT meeting, and other important events
- Posts executive council meeting minutes, as provided by the secretary, on the
- AFA website within a week of their approval
- Emails timely reminders to AFA members about assemblies, executive council meetings, and other important events
- Posts information about AFA executive council candidates on the AFA website and social media at least one week prior to elections
- Posts reminders about AFA elections on the AFA website and social media
- Updates and maintains Adjunct Faculty email communication list.
- Shall attend a monthly officer’s meeting when called by the AFA president, either virtual or on campus.
- Is a voting member of the Executive Council
Section 3: Removal
- The Executive Council of the Association shall have the power to recommend the removal of officers as hereby stated.
- If the President, Vice President/President-Elect, or Immediate Past President should abuse the privileges of his/her/their office or fail to carry out the responsibilities of his/her/their office, he/she/they may be removed from office according to the following procedures:
- A petition containing the signatures of five (5) Campus Representatives asking for the item to be placed on the agenda of the next Executive Council meeting shall be given to the Secretary of the Association at least two weeks before said meeting.
- The Secretary shall add this item to the written agenda of the next Executive Council meeting.
- The Parliamentarian shall preside over the portion of the Executive Council meeting for discussion of this item.
- The Executive Council shall vote on whether to remove the President or Vice President/President-Elect from office. A two-thirds majority of the Executive Council shall be required to remove the officer.
- If the Secretary, Treasurer, or Communications Officer should abuse the privileges of his or her office or fail to carry out the responsibilities of his or her office, he or she may be removed from office according to the following procedures:
- A petition containing the signatures of five Campus Representatives (representing at least three Campuses) asking for the item to be placed on the agenda of the next Executive Council meeting must be given to the President of the Association at least two weeks before the said meeting.
- The President shall place the item on the written agenda of the Executive Council meeting.
- The Executive Council shall vote on whether to remove the Secretary, Treasurer, or Communications Officer from office. A two-thirds majority of the full Executive Council shall be required to remove the officer.
- If the officer is removed, a special ad hoc committee shall be formed to conduct an election by the entire adjunct faculty.
Section 4: Replacement
- Temporary Leave is leave from the College for less than a fall or spring semester. Permanent Leave is leave from the College for a semester or more. An Adjunct who is willing to teach for a semester but does not receive a teaching assignment for a semester is not considered to be on leave for that semester. Not teaching during a summer is not considered as leave.
- Temporary Replacement
If the President takes temporary leave from the College, the Vice President/President- Elect shall become Acting President until the President returns. If the Past President or the Vice President/President-Elect takes temporary leave, the office shall remain vacant until that officer returns. If the Secretary, Treasurer, or Communications Officer takes temporary leave, the President shall appoint a temporary replacement from among the Executive Council membership.
- Permanent Replacement
If an officer takes permanent leave from the College (with summer not being considered a semester for these purposes of this section), resigns, is removed from office, or becomes ineligible, the following shall occur:
- President: the Vice President/President-Elect becomes President serving out the remaining presidential term (up to one year), then shall continue to serve the entire next term (one year) as President. An acting Vice President shall be elected by the Executive Council from among the members of the Executive Council, and the Executive Council shall fill the vacant representative seat by appointment to serve out that term. A new Vice President/President-Elect shall be elected during the next regular election. Should a replacement President leave office, resign, or be removed, the acting Vice President will become President and a new acting Vice President shall be elected by the Executive Council and he or she shall be from among the members of the Executive council and have been elected at the previous general election.
- President-Elect, the Secretary, Treasurer, or Communications Officer: a special election of the Association shall be held to fill the position.
- Past President: the preceding past President who is eligible and is willing to serve shall serve as the Past President.
- Should a Vice President/President-Elect elect for any reason resolve not to take office or become ineligible for such office for the upcoming year, the Executive Council shall elect an Acting Vice President from among the elected members of the Executive Council to serve until there is held a special election of the Association to fill the office of Vice President/President-Elect.
Section 1: Regular Elections
In February, the Executive Council shall solicit nominees for the next election cycle. This must be done prior to March 1.
The slate of nominees shall be announced to the adjunct faculty at the time of the Spring General Membership meeting. If any adjunct faculty member, for any reason, wishes to make nominations in addition to those on the slate presented by the Nominating Committee, such nominations must be submitted to the Nominating Committee no later than the Spring General Membership meeting. Nominations may be taken from the floor at the meeting. All additional nominations shall be added to the ballot.
If a position is uncontested, that position will not be listed on the ballot for voting. Rather, voters will be informed of the name of the person filling the uncontested position.
Ballots shall be prepared, listing the Campus Representative nominees and nominees for the positions of Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Officer. Adjunct faculty members shall cast only one ballot in any election.
The Elections Committee shall conduct the election and present the results to the President by late April. The President shall announce the results to the adjunct faculty and the Executive Council. The Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Officer, and Campus Representatives shall be elected by a simple majority of members voting. If no nominee receives a majority, a runoff election shall be held. Voting shall be by written and/or electronic ballot following procedures established by the Elections Committee.
Section 2: Special Elections
The Executive Council may call a special election at any time.
Section 3: No individual may run for or serve in more than one position simultaneously.
Section 1: Regular and Special Meetings
The Executive Council will meet a total of at least six times during combined period of fall and spring semesters, at least one time during the summer, and at special times according to the following:
- Called by the President.
- Called for by a majority of Association officers.
- By written request of one-third of the Campus Representatives.
- By written request of ten percent of the adjunct faculty.
- All AFAEC meetings will include the option of virtual attendance.
- The College calendar event for each meeting will have remote joining information available to ensure that meetings can be attended by guests in accordance with ACC’s open attendance policies.
- If a circumstance arises where the content of the meeting is not appropriate, per the Chair, for virtual attendance, the chair will communicate this for a vote to the council or committee at least five working days in advance.
- If the technological link is lost, the member will cease to contribute to the quorum until the connection resumes, but this will not prevent the meeting continuing in their absence.
- Where a meeting is taking place virtually every effort will be made to enable all attendees of that meeting to access the meeting.
- Participants will be given electronic access to all documents included in the meeting and to have accessed the meeting papers prior to the meeting in order to participate in effective governance.
The General Membership will meet at least two times during the academic year (once each during the fall and spring semesters).
Roberts Rules of Order (latest edition) shall be the parliamentary authority of the Association. Meetings shall be open to all adjunct faculty who wish to attend.
Section 2: Quorum
To conduct the business of the Executive Council, a simple majority of the Executive Council must be present to establish a quorum.
Section 3: Attendance
Every Campus Representative is expected to attend all Executive Council and the General Membership meetings. Meetings shall be open for all adjunct faculty members who wish to attend. Other persons may attend by invitation or permission of the President or presiding officer.
Section 4: Proxy Voting
No proxy voting is allowed at any meeting of the Association, Council, or Committee.
The President shall appoint Association members to the standing committees and what ad hoc committees shall be created.
If a committee member resigns, the President may appoint a replacement.
Section 1: Standing Committees shall be:
- Nominating Committee: Presents a ballot for the regular and any special elections as described in Article VII, Elections.
- Elections Committee: Conducts all regular, special, referendum, and recall elections.
- Budget Committee: Assists President with development of AFA budget recommendations.
Term of membership on all standing committees shall be for one year beginning with the fall semester.
Section 2: Ad Hoc Committees
The Association President shall appoint ad hoc committees to perform specific tasks as needed. Term of membership on all ad hoc committees shall be from the date of appointment by the President until the end of the summer, or earlier if the committee is dissolved by the President.
Section 3: Quorum for Committee Meetings
A simple majority of the membership of a standing or ad hoc committee will constitute a quorum for carrying on the business of the committee.
Proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be presented in writing at a regular meeting of the Executive Council. If a two-thirds majority of the Executive Council members approve the change, the proposal will be submitted to the general membership of the Association in a referendum election, as part of a regular election, or as a special election.
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