Welcome! You landed here to learn more about Digital Imaging 1 courses taught at Austin Community College by Ann Kennedy.
When you enroll in my class, I will be your guide through the semester. This site is updated with information and better ways to present resources for students to succeed in their classes.
Feel free to contact me with any comments or suggestions.
ARTC-1302 Digital Imaging 1
This class covers digital imaging, using raster image editing and creation software: scanning, resolution, file formats, output devices, color systems, and image acquisitions. You will gain a solid introduction to Adobe Photoshop with specific attention to practical applications of digital imaging, including preparing images for print and web output. You will gain an understanding of image resolution and pixel depth for a variety of output needs. I encourage creative studio skills in the assessments.
You will need to spend at least 8-10 hours every week to complete the work. Students will need access to an up-to-date computer, high-speed internet, and Adobe Photoshop.
The most common reason given for withdrawing from this class is the time it takes. I do not want this to be a surprise. Classroom sections meet 2 hours and 40 minutes twice a week in a regular 16-week session (5 hours and 20 minutes a week) and 3 hours and 55 minutes twice a week (7 hours and 50 minutes a week) in an 11-week summer session. If you are a seasoned Photoshop user, expect to spend that amount of time. If you are new to Photoshop, plan to devote at least double that amount of time PLUS.
Distance Learning
Distance Learning online and hybrid classes offer ACC students a convenient way to earn college credit. Course content and transferability is identical to classes offered on campus, so students have more scheduling options and a wider selection of classes to meet their needs. Find out if Distance Learning is right for you.
Distance Learning (DL) classes are listed in the Course Schedule with instructor contact information, syllabus, textbooks, and course orientation instructions. You must complete an orientation for each DL class. If you don’t, you may be dropped. If you can’t complete the orientation as scheduled, contact your instructor immediately. If you have trouble reaching your instructor, contact the Instructional Department.
ARTC-1302 Digital Imaging 1 is fully classroom or fully ONLINE. For ONLINE sections, I require an online LIVE Orientation Session the first week of classes for all Online students. Please RSVP to let me know when you plan to attend. Any online student who does not attend an online orientation will be dropped from the class. Click on the menu item above for times.
SUMMER 2019 semester end