In ARTC-1302 we use a combination of textbook tutorials, department-created tutorials, and Projects to guide students into Photoshop. The textbook tutorials tend to be very specific in their instruction. The department tutorials are little less directed, as we assume the student has covered the material in the textbook. Once they have completed the guided work, they are given some specifications and asked to create their own illustration/composite.
Crazy Character
emphasizes the selection tools covered in the text and tutorials. The department also provides images that are copyright free and can be selected with the tools students know. We combine images to create a “Creature”.
Visual Pun
follows our study of using pixel masks to hide rather than delete parts of images we do not want in our projects. We use the topic of PUNS to showcase masking skills. Masking is considered a nondestructive editing technique. Once a pixel is deleted, it is gone forever. We emphasize nondestructive editing especially for new students so they do not destroy clients’ essential elements.
Word Play
follows our study of vector tools in Photoshop. Students work with type, vector masks, and shapes, as well as all the previously covered tools such as layer styles, adjustment layers, and blending modes.