Frequently Asked Questions for ARTC-1302
These questions are very important if you are enrolled in an online section. Please review them carefully.
ALERT: Click here to see the new state law on Withdrawal limits
New State Law…? Six-Withdrawals Limit
This law applies to students who started college in or after Fall 2007.
State law permits students to withdraw from no more than six courses during their entire undergraduate career at Texas public colleges or universities. All course withdrawals automatically count toward the limit unless:
- The student withdraws from all courses;
- The student or course is exempt from the rule; or
- The student receives an exception authorized by college officials.
Students who reach their withdrawal limit must remain on the class roll unless they request and receive approval for a withdrawal exception. For more details and for exceptions to this rule, please see an admissions counselor.
What is the textbook for the course?
What is the textbook…?
Required Textbook (buy the text for the version of the software you own):
Textbook Details
- Paperback: 400 pages
- Publisher: Adobe Press; 1 edition (December 22, 2017)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0-13-485248-6
- ISBN-13:978-0-13-485248-5
- Here is a link to Adobe for an e-book as a pdf or epub.
ONLINE STUDENTS: Consider purchasing the web edition of the text if published by the time class starts. It is available immediately and includes many extra features such as videos on the Lessons and current updates. As the software you purchase is in the cloud, the text can suddenly become passé.
Amazon does not carry the web edition try this link instead.
Feel free to call me if you have questions!
Recommended Textbook:
I highly recommend this text as a great reference that addresses the skills in a bit more depth than the textbook.
Photoshop CC: Visual QuickStart Guide (2015 release)
By Elaine Weinmann, Peter Lourekas
Published Sep 11, 2015, by Peachpit Press. Part of the Visual QuickStart Guide series.
Copyright 2016
Dimensions: 7” x 9”
Pages: 528
Edition: 1st
ISBN-10: 0-13-430889-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-430889-0
If cost is an issue, try half-price Books for any Photoshop CC edition. Many skills we cover this semester have been a part of Photoshop for years and years. An earlier version may not cover everything in version 2017, but it is still an indispensable resource for those who really want to understand Photoshop!
What is the orientation and when will the orientation be available?
When will the online orientation…?
Orientation consists of several activities:
- Complete the Orientation Form online
- Read the Email Etiquette document
- Read the Steps to Success document
- Attend one of the orientation sessions posted on this site. You must confirm your attendance by emailing me in advance.
- Respond to the Welcome Letter
- Complete the Orientation Quiz
- Introduce yourself in the Discussion Board forum
What is the format of this course?
What is the class format…..?
This is a distance learning course taught in the ONL format. ONL courses require students to have access to a computer with an Internet connection and ACC student Gmail email address to complete coursework online. You may use computers from home or work, or you may use the Visual Communication Open Labs at ACC. Open Lab times and locations will be posted in Blackboard and Viscom Website. In this course, all work will be disseminated through Blackboard. You will submit completed lab projects, assessments, and journals to Blackboard. I will enter all grades in Blackboard. You will also participate in the online discussion board in Blackboard. Such participation will count towards your class participation points. More details on the labs and course materials will be available in Blackboard.
Grades will never be sent through email for reasons of confidentiality.
This course is structured as a module/competency based course. Once you complete all the requirements for Course Orientation and have 100% on the Orientation Quiz, The other Competencies will become available.
While you may accelerate through the course at any pace, there are deadlines to ensure that you do not fall behind. For more details, see the course schedule. The schedule is written based on competencies rather than on a traditional schedule based on dates.
Each Competency consists of one or two Lessons from the Classroom in a Book. These Lessons will orient you to Photoshop. Once you complete the assignments from the text, there are practices created by the department to add depth to your understanding of specific skills.
Complete the lessons and practices then go on to the “Mini-Project”. This is the first graded submission for a competency. I will grade the mini-project and then you are ready to complete the Competency Project.
How can I log into the course Blackboard site?
How do I login….?.
In order to log into Blackboard, you will need your ACCeID. Visit for more information. Visit to log into Blackboard AFTER you have your ACCeID.
Please bookmark the Blackboard login link in your browser as you will be visiting it often during this course. Your email address is automatically populated with the email address that ACC has assigned to you. You can see more information about the ACC email by clicking on this link:
You can find out more information about Blackboard on the student information page. All announcements in Blackboard are also sent as email to students to the ACC provided email address.
Help! I have never used Blackboard before. How will I know what to do the first time?
Relax! Read the manual on Getting Started with Blackboard at This site is also linked directly from the Blackboard main page. Ask if you have any questions. My sole purpose of being here is to help you! Now, take a deep breath!!
How can I submit the coursework?
How can I submit……?
Everything – mini-projects, projects, journals, and discussions will be submitted online to Blackboard.
Is this a self-paced course?
Is this a self-paced………?
This is NOT a self-paced course. Lab projects, assessments, and journals are due on or before the dates specified in the course schedule. You may pace the course in such a way that you can finish the whole course early. However, assigned work cannot be handed in late. You may work on the labs, assessments, and tests early and submit them before their due dates. Assessment deadlines will NOT be extended – there will be no exceptions made to this rule. Please plan your time effectively so that you don’t miss any deadlines.
What software will we use in the class?
What software…..?
This course uses Photoshop CC 2017. This requires a subscription to the Adobe Creative Cloud. Click here ( your options. For online students, you have 3 choices.
- You can either pay for a monthly subscription for the entire Creative Cloud, or
- pay a monthly subscription for Photoshop and Lightroom, or
- use the limited number of Viscom Mac computers.
The Viscom computers are found at NRG (Northridge), SAC (South Austin Campus) or HLC (Highland Learning Center). No other campuses have this software
What if I am stuck on the assignments or the reading? What if there is something I do not understand?
What if I am stuck……….?
If you are in a position where you don’t understand any part of the textbook or the practices you should do one or more of the following:
- Call or text me at 512-569-1630
- You post your question on the class discussion forum.
- See a tutor. Viscom has limited tutors for this course and the schedule will be posted after the first week of classes at:
So… You can email, call, text me. We can visit in my online office by appointment. Do not struggle on your own till the last minute! I am here to help you. If you are struggling for more than 30 minutes, do not hesitate to ask for help. Often students are stuck on a really easy thing for the experienced PS user. Ask me!
It can be as simple as having your CAP Lock on, a teensy-tiny active selection off screen or getting stuck in Quick-Mask Mode. It may just be that you should restart your computer. all of us forget the basics when we are frustrate. Call me!!
Can we work on the labs with others?
Can we work together on the projects……..?
All projects/assessments are individual assignments and NOT group projects. That said, working in a group can help you get UN-stuck if you run into a problem. Your IDEAS and CONCEPTS should be your own, and you will work on your own projects. Any projects that are found to be suspiciously similar will receive a maximum grade of 0. See the Academic Honesty policy in the course syllabus. You may discuss the project requirements and software with other classmates in the discussion forums.
What is the academic honesty policy?
What is the academic….?
Cheating is any of the following:
- Taking the work of another student and turning it in as your own.
- Giving your work to another student to turn in as their own.
- Copying material off the Internet and turning it in as your own.
- Getting someone else to do your projects for you.
I consider cheating to be a serious offense. The first incident will earn you a grade of 0 or F for that particular lab or exam. A second offense will result in an F in the course. You can view the ACC policy on academic dishonesty at I repeat: I do use some online tools to detect plagiarism in code.
How will I know what I made on the projects and tests?
How will I know……..?
In Blackboard, click on the My Grades button to view your grades. The general grading scale is included in the course syllabus. Any grade questions should be emailed to me and NOT posted to the class discussion list. Once you submit your lab, you will see an exclamation sign appear as your grade. When I grade the lab, the exclamation sign will change to an actual grade. Please read the comment associated with the grade carefully. Once you submit the corrections, I will change the grade to your actual earned grade. I generally do not grade on the weekends.
How should I address the instructor?
How should I address…?
You may address me as Professor Kennedy or simply Ann (note the spelling). One of my pet peeves is my name is misspelled.
How should I address the instructor?
How should I address…?
You may address me as Professor Kennedy or simply Ann (note the spelling). One of my pet peeves is my name is misspelled.
I have completed the online orientation – now what do I do?
Now what…?
- Log into Blackboard on or after the first day of class and complete the orientation quiz
- “Attend” an online orientation with me
- On the first day of class, I will send a “Welcome letter” to your ACC email account. Please respond to this letter from your ACC email account.
- Thereafter, start looking over course materials.
- If you have questions post them to the class discussion board.
- Start working on Competency Module One. Familiarize yourself with Blackboard before things get too busy.
Are you available on live chat of any kind?
Yes!! You can call or text me at 512-569-1630. I am also on Google Apps with ACC. There is plenty of noises and bells and whistles where I wok, so you might try texting me on my phone so we can text on Google. If I do not respond to your Google “ping”; call!
If you log onto your ACC provided Gmail account, you will see a chat text box in the middle of the left side of the window. You can invite me to chat with you. Just search for me using my name. If you see me online (a green dot next to my name) it means I am available to chat. You can chat with me at any time – morning, noon or night as long as you see the green dot next to my name.