Recent Blog Post
Sacred Spaces
I recently sold my parents’ house. They built it, and it had sheltered the Scott family (and only the Scott family) for over 60 years. A friend of mine referred to that house as a sacred space, and it got me thinking about sacred spaces. What are your sacred spaces? Is it a house? A…
Latest Blog Posts
ACC Values: Courage
Under the leadership of our new Chancellor, ACC’s students participated in guided discussions about the sort of college that they need us to be. Their discussions led to four values that are now guiding (and will continue to guide) our work: Courage, Compassion, Joy, and Yes. This is the first in a series of blog…
“Tastes Like a Ph.D”
“For some people, an associate degree is little, but for me, it tastes like a Ph.D” – Yessica Marroquin, ACC graduate and former board member, Todos Juntos One of the best things about ACC is our Adult Education (AE) program. AE serves students who want to learn English, or who want to prepare for the GED®…
Plus ça change (The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same)
In clearing out my dad’s home office after he passed away, I came across this note. The handwriting is his. Clearly, some things never change. This student in one of my dad’s Philosophy classes in the Fall of 1973 had missed class and gotten behind on the readings. Sound familiar? It seems that my dad…