Judith Sebesta, Case Study – Institute of Competency Based Education
Interview topic timestamps
00:38 — Institute of Competency Based Education
- Support of current and additional TAMUC CBE programs
- Support growth of CBE throughout Texas
- Conduct research on CBE, especially CBE outcomes
01:06 — Why CBE & the Texas TAB Program
- When considering CBE, ask two primary questions:
- What problem will CBE solve? and
- What students will CBE serve?
- Texas Affordable Baccalaureate Program was developed to address the needs of students
03:30 – One key for a successful CBE Program
- Select the right people to lead
04:31 – Regulatory considerations when developing CBE programs
- Can include a variety of organizations, such as accreditors, state agencies, federal government
- Have to think about interaction between faculty and students relating to financial aid and accreditation
- Also have to think about how you will count enrollment for funding purposes – most map back to semester hours
06:49 – How to Select Programs for CBE
- Depends on your institution
- Look at student needs and industry needs and develop program to meet those needs