Ninhua Han The importance of an instructional designer
Interview topic timestamps
Ninghua is an instructional design specialist at Austin Community College who has helped design and develop 42 CBE courses in the past 3 years.
Course design is a key component in a CBE program.
01:00 – It is a challenge for instructional designers to design CBE courses because
- Many faculty members might not know what CBE is
- Or what the difference is between CBE course design and regular course design
01:30 – Instructional designers need to collaborate with faculty
- to design competencies and
- to make sure competencies, learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments are aligned with each other
01:55 – No matter how experienced the faculty member, the designer needs to encourage them to come up with new ideas and methodologies to design a CBE course
02:23 – Also encourage faculty to integrate new technologies into their courses
02:37 – Designer and faculty are good team by the time a course is finished – Learn, encourage and motivate each other
02:51 – Helping faculty design CBE courses not an easy job
- Instructional designers need to keep updating their own knowledge
- Need to be a good listener, learner, collaborator, co-worker and need to be supportive