Constitution and By-Laws



Section 1. Name

The name of this organization shall be Classified Employees Association of Austin Community College District. Henceforth, the Classified Employees Association shall be referred to in this document as “CEA” and Austin Community College District will be referred to as “the College” or “ACCDistrict”.

Section 2. Governance/Parliamentary Authority

The New Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Association in all applicable cases as long as they are not inconsistent with the Constitution of the Association. Robert’s Rules of Order


Section 1. Purpose

The CEA is committed to serving the needs of the Classified employees of ACCDistrict by providing representative leadership, support services, and to facilitate communication amongst its members and with the administration in pursuance of more effectively meeting the goals of
the College.

Section 2. Objective

The mission of the CEA shall be upheld by:

1. Participating and exerting influence in the shared governance at ACCDistrict, both in terms of specific employee group concerns and the mission of the college;

2. Providing relevant information to association members in a timely manner;

3. Improving the visibility of the Classified employees by supporting their involvement and representation on college committees, councils, task forces, etc.;

4. Urging ACCDistrict to provide educational and career opportunities commensurate with professional growth needs and requirements for all Classified employees;

5. Providing ACCDistrict administrators with a comprehensive and representative Classified employee perspective regarding compensation, benefits, professional development, educational advancement, and institutional development;

6. Serving as a support resource for ACCDistrict employees, other employee
associations, the Student Government Association, and its service area in
pursuance of more effectively meeting the goals of the College;

7. Encouraging and promoting participation in activities in collaboration with local, state, and national higher educational organizations


Section 1. Criteria

1. Membership in CEA shall include all staffing table classified employees

2. Members shall have the right to attend all meetings

3. Any member shall be entitled to hold office in the CEA

4. Any member of CEA shall have the right to make a motion from the floor during a General Meeting, as per the New Robert’s Rules of Order


Section 1. Officers of the ACCDistrict CEA

A. The Classified Council

1. The Council of the CEA shall be President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary/Treasurer, Communications Officer, and Campus Representatives

2. All Classified Council members shall be elected by the general membership to serve a term effective from September 1 through August 31

3. Each campus/site is entitled to one representative per campus and/or one representative per building per campus, with a cap equal to the number of buildings on campus

4. The Council shall be subject to the orders of the CEA and none of its actions shall interfere with the dictates of the CEA

5. The Council shall work to assist in developing objectives, goals, and purposes for the ensuing year

6. The Council shall assist in developing or revising policies concerning the CEA. Policies concerning the CEA, including any public proclamation, pronouncement, or position committing the CEA to a particular issue, will pass by a plurality affirmative vote of all responding members.

7. A quorum necessary to conduct Classified Council Meetings shall be defined by all responding Members in attendance in person and via webinar. If a vote is needed for old/new business and has been brought forward in the Council Meeting, it shall be conducted by show of hands, roll call, written ballot or any means appropriate including, but not limited to, email or survey, and will require a plurality affirmative vote of all responding members.

B. Officers

1. The officers shall be elected from a ballot prepared by the Nominations and Elections Committee

2. The officers shall be elected by a plurality vote by responding members during a duly-called election

C. Representatives

1. Representatives shall be elected from a ballot prepared by the Nominations and Elections Committee

2. Representatives shall be elected by a plurality vote of all votes cast by responding members during a duly-called election

Section 2. Duties of Officers

A. The President

The President shall preside at all meetings of the CEA. The President shall perform the duties customary to that office as identified in The New Robert’s Rules of Order and such additional duties as necessary. Such duties include:

1. Executing and enforcing policy set by the CEA and being ultimately responsible for executing decisions of the Classified Council and the general membership;

2. Representing the CEA at ACCDistrict Board of Trustees Meetings and Chancellor’s appointed councils/committees;

3. Serving as spokesperson of the CEA at all General and Council Meetings;

4. Requesting any additional meetings with the Chancellor of ACC and the Cabinet as needed;

5. Preparing written/oral reports for distribution to all CEA members following ACCDistrict Board of Trustees Meetings and Chancellor’s Cabinet Meetings;

6. Administering the business of the CEA between regular Classified Council Meetings in compliance with the Constitution to include authenticating, by signature if necessary, all acts, orders, and proceedings of the CEA;

7. Appointing Officers and Classified Council members when vacancies occur outside normal terms conditions, with approval of Classified Council. An exception occurs if the President-Elect is unable to continue, then a special election would be called;

8. Develop a list of presidential duties and tasks;

9. Develop a master CEA calendar for the year;

10. Serving on the ACC Compensation Committee;

11. Providing mentorship to the President-Elect;

12. Abiding by the rights of the President:

a. By voting on any CEA ballot;

b. To vote last according to roll call on any CEA ballot;

c. To enter into debate only if he/she vacates the chair until the
question is disposed of, temporarily or permanently

13. Other duties as assigned per the discretion of the ACCDistrict Chancellor

B. President-Elect

The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President during their absence or incapacity and shall be chairperson of the Classified Council. The President Elect automatically becomes President upon completion of term as President-Elect and in the case of death, resignation, or removal from office of elected President. The President-Elect shall be responsible for:

1. Presiding at meetings of the Classified Council;

2. Acting as ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominations and Elections Committee;

3. Assuming specified duties as designated by the ACCDistrict Chancellor;

4. Designating Classified Council members as liaisons to each ad hoc and standing committee as appropriate;

5. Appointing cd hoc committees to handle special concerns and implementing programs as directed by the Classified Council;

6. Assigning the charge of each standing committee;

7. Soliciting names of members interested in serving on committees for the following year;

8. Serving on the ACC Compensation Committee;

9. Other duties as assigned per the discretion of the CEA President

C. The Secretary/Treasurer

The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for ensuring the safety and accuracy of official documents and the financial oversight of the CEA. Other duties include:

1. Arranging meetings of the CEA and ensuring that the membership is adequately informed as to the time and place of each meeting;

2. Maintaining a complete roll of all members of the CEA who attend the General Meeting, either in person or via webinar;

3. Distributing a draft of the agenda to the Communication Officer one week prior to the scheduled meetings;

4. Record attendance of members to determine if a quorum is present;

5. Act as timekeeper for discussion of agenda items;

6. Distribute copies of CEA minutes within one week to the Communications Officer;

7. Submit a quarterly report to the Classified Council that outlines the financial status of the Association;

8. Presides in absence of President and President-Elect;

9. Other duties as assigned per the discretion of the CEA President

D. Communications Officer

The Communications Officer shall coordinate the collection and distribution of information for the Association. The Communications Officer shall be responsible for:

1. Collecting an approved Agenda from the Secretary/Treasurer one week prior to the meeting which must be distributed to all members at least three days before the meeting;

2. Collecting the approved minutes from the Secretary/Treasurer one week following each meeting and distribute to all members within two weeks after each meeting;

3. Managing all websites and social media pages on behalf of the CEA;

4. Organizing the email account for the CEA and ensuring that the President responds to inquiries within a timely manner;

5. Distributing approved newsletters from the CEA President;

6. Coordinating, conducting, and compiling results from surveys and polls of the membership;

7. Organizing, hosting, and managing all webinars for the CEA;

8. Maintaining the CEA calendar;

9. Other duties as assigned per the discretion of the CEA President

E. Past-President

The Past-President shall perform the duties of the President-Elect during their absence or incapacity and shall serve as an advisor to the President. Other duties include:

1. Presiding in absence of President and President-Elect;

2. Providing advice and counsel to the Officers of the CEA;

3. Assumes the role of Parliamentarian, and shall be charged with the responsibility of ensuring that proper conduct and procedures are adhered to according to the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure during meetings of the CEA;

4. Having on-hand copies of the Constitution and By-Laws, and lists of ad hoc committees and chairpersons during General Meetings;

5. Other duties as assigned per the discretion of the CEA President

Section 3. Duties of Representatives

A. Representatives

Representatives shall be charged with effectively representing CEA members. Representatives shall:

1. Attend all Classified Council and CEA General Meetings, either in-person or by webinar;

2. Serve as a liaison between the membership and the Classified Council;

3. Supply information from Council Meetings to the general membership of the campus they represent as they deem fit;

4. Communicate issues to Council;

5. Assist in proposing agenda items to Council;

6. Volunteer to serve on standing and ad hoc committees;

7. Make recommendations to the CEA President for committee appointments;

8. Serve as the contact person for general membership for their respective campuses;

9. Other duties as assigned per the discretion of the CEA President;


Section 1. Election of Council Members

The members of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall be selected from a pool of interested volunteers.

A. Nominations

1. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall be formed two months prior to the elections

2. The Nominations and Elections Committee is charged to prepare a slate of nominees at least one month prior to the election for all Officers and Campus Representatives

3. All nominations, made by a CEA member, must be forwarded to the Nominations and Elections Committee no later than two weeks prior to the election meeting

4. Nominees must formally accept the nomination by submitting the CEA Officer and Representative Nomination Acceptance Form within the given time-frame

5. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall have the slate of nominees distributed to all CEA members no later than one week prior to the election

B. Elections

1. An Officer or Classified Council Representative is elected upon receiving a plurality vote by members during a duly-called election

2. Elections shall be held in June of each year, with those elected taking office the following September 1. Terms of office will be effective from September 1 through August 31. The voting for the election of officers shall be conducted via electronic vote. The dates for the elections shall be determined by the Classified Council with advance notice to the membership.


Section 1. Meetings

A. General Meetings

1. CEA Council Meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday after an ACC Board of Trustee Meeting

2. CEA General Meetings will be held on the first Friday of every month

3. All CEA General Meetings require an agenda to be circulated one business week prior to the date of the meeting

4. Copies of Association minutes will be distributed within two weeks to all CEA members, ACC Board of Trustee members, and other appropriate individuals as determined by the Classified Council

5. A quorum necessary to conduct the General Meeting shall be defined by all responding Members in attendance in person and via webinar. If a vote is needed for old/new business and has been brought forward in the General Meeting, it shall be conducted by a show of hands, roll call, written ballot or any means appropriate including, but not limited to, email or survey, and will require a plurality affirmative vote of all responding members.

B. Specially-Called Meetings

1. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President

2. Except under circumstances, at least three days’ notice shall be given


Section 1. Standing Committees

A. Standing Committees of the CEA Shall Be:

Salaries and Benefits Committee
Constitution and By-Laws Committee
Policy and Procedures Committee
Nominations and Elections Committee

1. Additional standing committees may be formed at the discretion of the President

2. Membership of all committees shall be on a voluntary basis

3. Membership of all committees shall represent, whenever feasible, the composition of the membership of the CEA

4. Solicitation of volunteers shall take place as needed by the CEA President or President-Elect

5. The frequency of committee meetings shall be determined by the committee chairperson

6. The President shall assign the committee’s charge and, if necessary, project the timeline

B. Titles, Duties and Responsibilities of Standing Committees

1. The Constitution and By-laws Committee will consider revisions to the document as needed or requested. The Committee will bring recommended revisions to the membership and Council for consideration. Any changes or amendments will follow Article IX Section 1, A-1 and 2.

2. Nominations and Elections Committee Shall present ballots for any election following the guidelines established for the Committee. Guidelines established in Article V, Section 1, A-1 through 3.

3. Policy and Procedures Committee will consider ACC and Board policies and procedures that affect Classified Employees membership. The Committee will bring recommended changes or revisions to the membership and Council for consideration.

4. If necessary, administrators and/or Board members may be contacted for clarification, suggested rewording, or changes

5. Salaries and Benefits Committee shall investigate, study, and collect information on matters relating to classified salaries and benefits. The Committee will work in conjunction with the Council and membership to establish an annual budget recommendation report.

Section 2. Ad Hoc Committees

1. Ad hoc committees shall be temporary; task-and time-specific committees shall be established by the President as deemed necessary

2. Except for its temporary nature, an ad hoc committee shall meet the same requirements as a standing committee, as outlined in ARTICLE VII, Section 1-A, 1 through 4

3. The President shall assign the committee’s charge and, if necessary, project the timeline

Section 3. Responsibilities of Council and Committee Members

1. Attend regularly scheduled meetings; if not available a proxy must be selected and the CEA President must be notified

2. Complete the required Google Form (Reporting Form for CEA Officers/Reps Serving on ACC Committees) for each meeting attended

3. Participate in committee meetings responsibly


Section 1. Shall Conform to ‘The New Robert’s Rules of Order’
Information regarding this process is available at:


Section 1. Procedures
1. Amendments to the CEA Constitution may be initiated as a proposal by the Classified Council, standing committees, and/or any member of the CEA

2. An amendment may be adopted by vote; only after discussion at a duly-called meeting of the general membership

3. A plurality affirmative vote of all responding members is required after all proposed revisions have been brought forth

4. The proposals must be received by the Secretary/Treasurer at least two weeks prior to the next general meeting for discussion. A proposal must be initiated in writing by a member of the CEA and submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer.

5. The proposed amendments will become an agenda item for the next business meeting for discussion and possible adoption. The proposed amendments will be made available to all members at the first general meeting after it is received by the Council.

6. Proposals to amend this Constitution may be initiated by the Classified Council, standing committees, and/or any member of the CEA. An amendment to this Constitution may be adopted, by vote, only after discussion at a duly-called meeting of the general membership. A plurality affirmative vote of all responding members is required.

7. The proposed amendment must be received by the Secretary/Treasurer at least two weeks prior to a vote of the membership

8. The proposed amendment will become an agenda item for the next business meeting for discussion and possible adoption. The proposed amendment will be made available to all members at the first general meeting after it is received by the Council.


Section 1. Ratification

1. Ratification of the CEA Constitution and By-laws shall take place immediately to a plurality vote of all responding members

2. This Constitution shall be implemented and placed into effect at the first general meeting following ratification