The Austin Community College District (ACC) was named a “Voter Friendly Campus” for its efforts to break down barriers and empower students with information and tools to participate in the political process. The initiative, led … Continue reading
ACC making it easier for Austinites to register to vote
KXAN: ACC making it easier for Austinites to register to vote AUSTIN (KXAN) — With the prime-time debate airing Monday night, Austin Community College wants to remind Austinites to register to vote. Joining us in the … Continue reading
Grupos intensifican esfuerzos para registrar a votantes en Austin
¡Ahora Sí! Grupos intensifican esfuerzos para registrar a votantes en Austin A poco menos de dos semanas para que se cumpla el plazo oficial para registrarse previo a las próximas elecciones presidenciales, agencias gubernamentales, organizaciones sin … Continue reading
ACC kicks off voter registration rallies
“ACC Votes,” a non-partisan initiative of the Austin Community College District (ACC), is hosting a voter registration rally from 11 a.m. to noon Tuesday, September 27, at Highland Campus (6101 Airport Blvd.) in honor National … Continue reading
“ACC Votes” hosts Sen. Kirk Watson for voter registration rally
“ACC Votes,” a non-partisan initiative of the Austin Community College District (ACC), is hosting a voter registration rally from 11 a.m. to noon Tuesday, September 22, at Highland Campus (6101 Airport Blvd.) in honor National … Continue reading