Check out our top four local bands to look for in October

Story by Daniel Wright • Reporter

Deep Time – indie rock

Photos Courtsey of Deep Time








In this age of music ruled by computer generated sounds and auto-tune, it’s refreshing to find a band like Deep Time that actually plays real instruments.

Comprised of Jennifer Moore on organ, guitar, and vocals and Adam Jones behind the drum kit, this Austin based duo is bursting into not only the Austin circuit but also the national scene in a big way. They released a self-titled LP, which is available on iTunes, last summer that does not sound like anything you would expect from two people out of Texas would make.

Their Facebook page describes their genre as “minimalist weirdo pop” and that is actually a pretty accurate description. They sound a lot like West Coast surfer music.

The guitar is almost always clean without any effects and Moore’s voice is deep and mellow.

Deep Time opened for Tune-yards earlier this year and they sound just as good live as they do recorded. Their show is all about the music and it is really great to see a band that focuses on their sound more than their image.

Similar to: The Drums.

Boy Friend – electro synthpop

Photo courtsey of Ben Aqua








Boy Friend is a band with a very modern, ambient sound.

Members Regina Palazollo and Sarah Brown reunited after leaving their former band, Sleep Over, to create excellent hipster music that is described as combining “a passion for dark fantasy, narratives, and love-sick lyrics.”

In February, they released a full-length LP titled Egyptian Wrinkle that is full of reverberating, harmonizing vocals, deep keys, and thumping drums.

Boy Friend’s music makes one feel as if you are floating in the ocean or drifting off to sleep. As contrary as it sounds, this doesn’t mean the band is boring. There is a lot here for a music fan to like.

This is thoughtful and almost poetic music that can bring up a lot of emotion.

For anyone looking to open his or her mind to something new and cerebral, this is the place to look.

One could easily see Boy Friend touring with bands like Beach House or Neon Indian. This duo is definitely worth checking out and being given a shot.

Similar to: Beach House.

White Denim –  psychadelic rock

WD Photo Credit Photo credit is Michael Hammett and Bobby Weiss_USE








I’ve been following White Denim for a few years now and they have become one of my favorite bands. This might be a bold statement, but they sound a lot like if Jimi Hendrix had come out of Texas. Now, singer/guitarist James Petralli may not be the new amazing guitarist Hendrix was, but the resemblance of their sounds is uncanny, especially on “Say What You Want.” White Denim has some songs that are pure, classic hard rock, at other times they can sound like a psychedelic mind trip, and then at other times they sound like an acoustic band. White Denim can’t be tied down to one specific type of genre. The two singles from their latest album D are called “Drug” and “Keys” and it is cool to see two different sounding songs come from the same album. Bassist Steven Terebecki, drummer Joshua Block, and other guitarist Austin Jenkins are all very talented musicians who seem to have mastered their instruments. Their live show is also incredible. They sound just as good as they do recorded and they’ve been known to play their sets without taking breaks, but seamlessly transitioning from song to song. White Denim is a modern take on classic rock and it is easy to be pulled into becoming a fan.

Similar to: Jimi Hendrix.

Kat Edmonson – singer/songwriter

Photo courtesy Alyson Fox











Kat Edmonson’s music is best described as being eloquent and lovely. Her piano and acoustic guitar driven songs match perfectly with her light and airy voice. She has performed with very famous musicians, Willie Nelson, Smokey Robinson, Boz Scaggs, and Lyle Lovett.

Edmonson writes beautiful love songs that are jazzy and relaxing. This is the kind of music that can remind someone of that one special person we all have in our lives; songs that put pictures of slow-dancing couples in your head. Her song “I Don’t Know” represents her latest album “Way Down Low” perfectly.

It showcases her vocal talents as she hits high and low notes as well as her skills as a songwriter. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that the music video for this song is really funny.

This music Edmonson has made is great because it can cater to all different age groups. It isn’t often that my parents and I can both agree on music, but we both like Edmonson.

Edmonson’s jazz/pop is a great break to the current chaos of the music world. It is very nice to take a step back and breathe with Kat Edmonson.

Similar to: Regina Spektorr


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