Letter From the Editor

By Anthony DeVera, Editor in Chief

The first day of school is like New Year’s Day for scholastic institutions. Many ponder the potential academic new year’s resolutions and events posed by the upcoming school year.

For the administration, it’s the challenge of improving operations and maintenance. For teachers, it’s the challenge of translating and communicating knowledge and information to a new set of students.

For students, the considerations are as different and varied as the population itself. Some are fresh from high school, others come from the workforce and haven’t gone to school for a while. Regardless, students involved in classes at Austin Community College make an unspoken statement: “I’m here to improve myself.”

Just like students, the Accent is taking advantage of this time to develop a strong foundation. We apply our efforts to the best of our abilities, learning lessons along the way, and figure out what works and what doesn’t.

We report on the news and current events that effect ACC. We publish stories and content following concise guidelines: Is this information the student body needs to know? Is it being presented in the best form possible? Is it in context? Are all the sides of the discussion covered?

Our goal is to provide the student body with the information they need and want so they may be able to develop and form their own well-informed, educated decisions or opinions.

We at the Accent are just like you, students who are doing our best to balance the different aspects of our lives while pursuing our goals. We are a growing organization full of likable individuals, curious of the little world we have here at ACC.

If you should meet one of us covering a school event, or walking about one of the campuses, give us a tip on what you think the student body should know about. We may ask you a few questions, maybe even take a picture or two of you. We see how beautiful our community is, and we want to provide a way for you to see that too.

Anyone who chooses to further their education makes a wise investment in their future. I believe ACC truly stands by it’s motto “Start here. Get there.” I believe that ACC can help you pursue your goal of becoming the person you want to be.

So, on behalf of Accent News, I bid you welcome! I am excited to see what the future has in store for all of us.

All the best wishes,

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