Faculty Spotlight: Yousif Del Valle

Yousif De Valle holds a BFA from Texas Christian University (2008) and an MFA from the University of Minnesota (2012). Prior to joining ACC in 2020, Yousif served for three years as full-time sculpture faculty and lab coordinator at Mesalands Community College. In addition to his teaching career, Yousif served for four years as a foundryman at St. Paul Brass and Aluminum Foundry in St. Paul, Minnesota, and as a welder and fabricator for various prop fabrication shops in the Minneapolis Metro area. Though primarily trained in metals, foundry work and traditional sculpture methods such as mold making, carving and additive techniques in various materials, Yousif is interested in current and emerging technologies that combine digital and traditional art fabrication methods that allow for the creation of  artworks in a fast, efficient, cost effective and potentially reproducible manner. Yousif is a new member of the Texas Sculptor’s Group and is the newest member of American Roulette, an art collective which aims to expand the dialogue and perspective of mass shootings and gun violence.


Yousif’s current body of work focuses primarily on the physical and emotional transformation that happens when common, traditional and neutral spaces that surround everyday life are subjected to the extreme violence associated with a mass shooting event. Working in miniature and recreating the spaces affected by the violence, the sets are deformed into a representation of the new emotional state of a once emotionally neutral space. American Roulette is a traveling collective which has exhibited in New York, Chicago and Las Vegas, with upcoming shows in Colorado, Illinois, Amsterdam and hopefully soon, somewhere in Texas.


The community spirit, dedication and support Yousif has seen from students, faculty and staff at ACC has been incredible. Yousif looks forward to meeting more amazing students and helping them achieve their academic goals.

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