The Wind Ensemble is the first large scale instrumental ensemble in the history of ACC and it comes at a good time as ACC will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary.
With the opening of the new 2000 building on the Highland Campus in 2021, ACC can now accommodate large music ensembles such as wind ensembles and string orchestras. The highlight of the 2000 building is the 150-seating capacity performance hall facility adjacent to the new black box theater and dance studio.
Dr. Albert Lo, Director of Instrumental Ensembles states “We are so excited to finally debut the Wind Ensemble after a two-year delay due to the Pandemic”. “Large music ensembles are a critical cognate of a growing music department; developing essential skills that will prepare the students for success at a four-year institution.”
The 40 plus member Wind Ensemble will consist of current music students, incoming freshmen as well as community members. The Wind Ensemble will rehearse on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00-3:00pm with an addition of an evening section for community members.
The goal of ACC is to have two ensembles; an academic ensemble that prepares students for transfer into a four-year institution and a community ensemble that welcomes anyone interested in playing an instrument as continuing education student.
“We hope to have the interest in building the two ensembles, there is certainly enough talent in the Austin area to accomplish this goal” Lo said. “The key to success”, Lo reiterates “is to let the public know that we have this wonderful opportunity to make music together”. Lo hopes to continue spreading his message while visiting the high schools within the Austin Community College District. “We want the students to know that they have an option here at ACC to participate in large ensembles”.
Photo credit: Albert Lo