ACC Drama is holding auditions for our upcoming Fall 2023 production of: Bat Boy The Musical

ACC Drama is holding auditions for our upcoming Fall 2023 production of:
Bat Boy The Musical
Story & Book by Keythe Farley & Brian Flemming
Music & Lyrics by Laurence O’Keefe
Licenced Under Agreement with Weekly World News
Director: Jamie Rogers
Music Director: Adam Roberts
Choreographer: Allison Beaty
Auditions are open to all ACC students and the community. You do not need to be an ACC student to audition.
Roles are uncompensated.
Casting a diverse ensemble of 10
Musical calls for 6 male identifying characters and 4 female identifying characters
“Based on a story in The Weekly World News, BAT BOY: THE MUSICAL is a musical comedy/horror show about a half boy/half bat creature who is discovered in a cave near Hope Falls, West Virginia. For lack of a better solution, the local sheriff brings Bat Boy to the home of the town veterinarian, Dr. Parker, where he is eventually accepted as a member of the family and taught to act like a “normal” boy by the veterinarian’s wife, Meredith, and teenage daughter, Shelley. Bat Boy is happy with his new life, but when he naively tries to fit in with the narrow-minded people of Hope Falls, they turn on him, prodded by the machinations of Dr. Parker, who secretly despises Bat Boy. “
Tentative rehearsal schedule:
August 28-October 12
MTWTH 7:00 PM-10:00 PM
Saturday TBD during the day
REHEARSALS will be held at Highland Campus Black Box Theatre
Performances will be October 13th – October 29, 2023:
Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm, Sundays at 2:00pm.
For more information, please email [email protected] and please see attached flyer with the audition info!
Here is the link to the audition form.

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