2 + 1


Associate of Arts in Teaching, Early Childhood-Grade 6 leading to Bachelor of Science, Multidisciplinary Studies

Frequently Asked Questions

What does 2+1 mean?

The “2” refers to the two years needed to complete the AAT program.  The “1” refers to the one year (12 months) required to complete the bachelor’s degree at Texas Tech, earn state teacher certification, and a job within the partner district.  This innovative program is officially called TechTeach Across Texas, and it has been developed in partnership with Austin Community College, Austin ISD, and Texas Tech University http://www.depts.ttu.edu/education/undergraduate/techteach-across-texas.php .

How is it possible to complete two years of Texas Tech coursework in one year?

Well, it is hard, and because of that it is NOT meant for everyone.  The Texas Tech University’s program sequence begins in the summer (July).  As the year progresses, courses are completed during the regular fall and spring semesters.  Coursework is also completed during shorter semesters (Wintermester and Maymester).

Can I work while completing the degree?

It is not advisable to work while enrolled at Texas Tech University.  The program is intensive and requires year-long fieldwork and student teaching during the school day, and meetings after school.

What is the Early Childhood-grade 6 (EC-6) certification?

The EC-6 is a generalist area of teacher certification.  Once certified, a teacher can be assigned a classroom in any of the levels.  Training includes a field-based component in early childhood and elementary classrooms.    

Will I have to complete my Associate of Arts in Teaching, EC-6 degree before I transfer?

Yes.  The Associate of Arts in Teaching, EC-6 degree must be completed before transferring.  The degree is fully transferable.  

Are there additional courses I can take outside of the Associate of Arts in Teaching degree, EC-6 before transferring?

Yes.  HIST 2301 and GEOG 1303 are courses that are highly desirable because they increase the likelihood of passing the TExES certification exam.  We know this from lots and lots of experience.

Will I receive my teaching certification upon completion of the bachelor’s degree?

Yes, sort of.  Passing the state certification exam (TExES) must be accomplished before starting the student-teaching practicum in January.  Candidates who pass the exam advance to the student teaching experience.  During the Spring semester, they must also pass the professional practice exam (PPR) for which you will be prepared, and can sit for the supplemental certification exams for which they have been prepared (ESL, SPED).  Accomplishing all of these requirements will result in Texas Tech recommending the candidate for certification.  The State of Texas grants certification on the basis of the program’s recommendation.  Bottom line:  You’ll be ready to start the new school year as a new teacher with standard certification!

I am worried about the certification exam.  How can I determine my progress?

Austin Community College will provide opportunities to take the practice Core Subjects EC-6 exam. The free exam will be offered two times a year (spring and fall).  The exam will be scored and the result immediately provided.  Once in the program, supports are in place to help candidates prepare for the TExES.

How much does the practice certification exam at Austin Community College cost?

There is no cost.  It is free.  

What is the grade point average requirement?

To be accepted in Texas Tech University’s program, a 2.75 grade point is required.  

Will I have to relocate to Lubbock?

No.  The entire program is completed in Austin ISD.  All but a few courses are online, but the assignments for the courses are carried out in the classrooms where you work.  You need only come to Lubbock for graduation … 12 months after beginning the program.

Where will I complete my field placements and student teaching?

The field placements and student teaching will be completed at an Austin Independent School District campus beginning in early August, and ending with summer school teaching until the end of June.

Where will I teach once I complete the program?

It is VERY important that those considering this program understand that they are being recruited for, and prepared in Austin Independent School District.  This program is designed to fill the teacher talent pipeline with qualified, capable new teachers.  Coming into this program is possible ONLY if you agree to work in Austin ISD for up to two years following your completion of this program.  Your certification allows you to teach anywhere in Texas, but this 2+1 program is designed specifically for our partner, Austin ISD.

When should I transfer to Texas Tech University?

The Associate of Arts in Teaching degree, EC-6 must be completed by the end of Summer I before transferring to Texas Tech University.

How would I know I am taking the right classes?

Faculty advisors in the Education Instruction Department will provide guidance with Associate of Arts in Teaching, EC-6 progress.  

Who can help me with the transfer process?

The semester before you are ready to graduate from Austin Community College, Texas Tech University’s coordinator will assist the transfer process and will provide an orientation to the program.  

How much is the tuition?

As of SY2017, the cost of tuition and fees for the complete 2+1 program is approximately $17,500.  

Are scholarships available?

Yes, there are a number of scholarships are available.  Most are based on GPA.  One of the best is the Transfer Students Scholarship providing up to $6,500 for students entering Tech with a 3.5 GPA http://www.depts.ttu.edu/scholarships/transferstudentsscholarships.php .  In the final semester of the program, a Tech Teach scholarship of $3,000 is available for those with financial need (based on FAFSA) and a proven record of instructional competency during the first portion of the program.  In addition, loan forgiveness programs through the federal government are available for those individuals teaching in high-need areas and schools.

How much is the application fee?

The application fee is $75.  If your estimated family contribution is zero, you can apply for fee waiver.  Contact the Texas Tech University coordinator for assistance.