Building a new

The Austin Community College website is our most important public-facing communications channel, and it’s getting a makeover. Once completed, our website will be more intuitive for users to navigate, easier for content owners to maintain, and 100 percent mobile-friendly.


The Web Redesign Project is a 2017-2022 Strategic Plan priority. The redesign will occur in four phases. Phase one focuses on improving the student experience. It includes redesigning the homepage and its navigation menu to enhance the “shopping” experience for prospective students. It also includes creating a Student webpage that serves as a gateway to information and resources for current students. Phases that focus on Faculty and Staff, Business and Community webpages, and academic department sites will quickly follow.


The college established a Web Design Advisory Team in 2016, comprised of key stakeholders and web development/design experts. The committee guides the web redesign process, which is managed by the Public Information & College Marketing Office.

Vision & GOALS

The primary purpose of the website is to serve as the front door for people who are new to ACC or those who don’t have regular contact with the college. There are 8 redesign goals:

  1. Enhance promotion of the ACC Areas of Study, programs, and services.
  2. Clear clutter and improve navigation and functionality for all audiences.
  3. Create a modern, cohesive design consistent with the ACC brand.
  4. Provide easy-to-understand content that is credible, targeted, and timely.
  5. Be 100% mobile-friendly and ADA compliant.
  6. Integrate with Guided Pathways and new IT systems.
  7. Optimize content to improve search functionality.
  8. Establish clear guidelines and resources to assist departments with content management and design.

Contact Us

Edward Terry, Web Manager, ACC Communications & Marketing, and Web Redesign Project Lead

Brette Lea, Vice President, ACC Communications & Marketing

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