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ACC Ranked Top Transfer School

Written by Melisa Hernandez

Slip on your boots and two-step down to ACC because it is ranked the number one Transfer Community College in Texas, according to successfulstudent.org.

“What makes ACC different from all the rest is the time and effort that we as advisors put in for each student’s future,” says Advising Specialist Angelica Diaz-Miranda De La Rosa.

ACC is known to be very accommodating to the diverse student body by providing courses during the weekdays, weekends, and through distance learning.

Professor Paul Brown says, “ The Distance Learning courses allow students who may be working one or two jobs to also have time on the weekend to go over their readings. In addition they’re able to complete homework and exams.”  

Flexibility in the classes offered, is one reason ACC scored at the top of Successful Student’s ranking.

Audiology major Annette Kveton says, “being a student at ACC makes me feel very proud. I am transferring in the fall of next semester, and consider myself very lucky to be a part of the number one ranked school in Texas for transfers,”

In addition, many are aware of the diversity ACC offers and Diaz-Miranda De La Rosa feels this is a big contribution to this ranking. “Because ACC is so diverse with our students and faculty, students find it easier to feel like they belong. There are pieces of students’ culture and background that are celebrated here that I feel other institutions would not have the gumption to do. When students feel like they belong that creates a culture where people are accepting of others.”

Affordability is ACC’s mission to ensure that all students are able to receive an education at a low cost.

Early childhood education major Jessica Powell says, “Additionally, ACC is affordable and accessible to lots of people. It makes taking basic classes much easier and cheaper, and in my opinion, there is no real need for basic classes to be taken at an expensive university.”

Many students, teachers, and staff feel honored to have received this ranking.

Brown says, “I think ACC earned this ranking because of the quality of the faculty, many of whom have practiced the profession they teach for decades before sharing their knowledge in the classroom.”

Austin Community College registration is open for the spring semester of 2018. Visit austincc.edu/register to sign up for classes.

Pick this story up in the Spring 2018 Life4U magazine on campus.

ACC number one