Campus Viewpoint

Interviews by Ryan Fontenette-Mitchell and photos by Joseph Lee

Featured image courtesy of The Seattletimes newspaper

What are your thoughts on the 2016 presidential race?

Christian Padilla
Christian Padilla • Round Rock Campus: I feel like every race has gone through something. Being Hispanic, I’m more worried about Donald Trump. I feel like he is against us.
Dylan Arocha
Dylan Arocha • Graphic Design Major: Voting is important. Our future depends on what these people are going for. I would support Hillary Clinton because she’s a woman.
Maria Harris
Maria Harris • Criminal Justice Major: The top two candidates are Hillary Clinton — because of [her views on]women’s rights and equal rights for all, and Donald Trump — even though he’s saying some ridiculous things.
Niyra Tealer
Niyra Tealer • Advertising Major: I’m very passionate about the 2016 election. Bernie Sanders has very concrete answers when he touches base on issues and doesn’t tiptoe around taboo subjects.
Ryan Lane
Ryan Lane • Business Management Major: Donald Trump is just running to just get his brand out there more. I don’t feel like he’s running for the president of the United States.
Tatiana Johson
Tatiana Johnson • History and Spanish: I think it will be cool for Hillary to win because her husband was our president and I feel she has insider knowledge.

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