Arts & Digital Media Division


Our Arts & Digital Media newsletter contains exciting and useful news from around our division. Be sure to subscribe below!



GDAMG Faculty Spotlight: Niall Farrel

GDAMG Faculty Spotlight: Niall Farrel

3D Animation Faculty Spotlight: Niall Farrel Niall Farell is an adjunct professor teaching 3D Animation.  He currently works in the industry at Moontower VFX as a Character Animator and Rigger.  Years ago, Niall was actually a student at ACC learning animation with...

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Message from the Dean

Writing is an essential form of communication and a conduit for creativity, collaboration and success, and writing ultimately helps us become better people. The impact of a story, a screenplay, a poem, or a message to a loved one can make a connection that can only be...

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Creative Writing Student News: Sol Wooten

Creative Writing Student News: Sol Wooten

Sol Wooten began her academic journey as an undergraduate psychology student at Cornell College in Iowa, where she was drawn to the very intensive three-week class structure. She will continue her journey at Cornell University in New York as an MFA student in literary...

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Quality Matters with Dr. Kristina Elizondo

The Arts and Digital Media Division continues to expand and improve distance education offerings in a variety of disciplines. In the Creative Writing department, ACC students can earn an Associates of Arts degree entirely through online classes, in traditional...

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Creative Writing Student News: Elisabetta La Cava

Creative Writing Student News: Elisabetta La Cava

Elisabetta La Cava is a double immigrant from Italy and Venezuela who became a Texan some years ago. She finds herself writing about all sorts of things including international community, relationships, spirituality, and family. Elisabetta’s work has or will be seen...

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Creative Writing Department News & Events

Creative Writing Department News & Events

The Creative Writing Department won the Outstanding Collaboration Award for The Indigenous People's Day Event, where we worked with ACC’s Student Life to host a reading by Stephen Graham Jones. (see image below) We co-hosted six Literary Coffeehouses over the last few...

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Creative Writing Faculty News

-   Luke Garza is currently in pre-production to shoot his short film, SPECTRAL WIND, a supernatural drama, mid-May. A few of his students (Sanju Jacob, Megan Kallus, Melissa Baez) will be production assistants on the film. -   Charlotte Gullick will have a featured...

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Emma Moseley, ACC Music Alumni

Emma Moseley, ACC Music Alumni

Born in Baton Rouge, Emma Dean quickly found herself growing up in small town,  Mississippi. It was here that she decided to pick up the guitar at the age of 6, and has been  willing her small hands to grow and reach ever since. Emma also found her voice at a young ...

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Vision + Voice Deadline Extension

Vision + Voice Deadline Extension

Since this has been a rough year for students, teachers, and parents, we have decided to extend the deadline for submissions to the 2021 VisionVoice Poetry Contest to February 15. All K-12 students in the ACC service area are eligible to enter and poems of all...

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