Austin Community College students are saving millions of dollars in textbooks costs through new course and degree options known as Z-degrees and zero textbook cost (ZTC) classes. The courses use zero-cost learning materials called open … Continue reading

Board Briefs: Trustee transition; Student Success Report; OER degree update
At its January 17 regular session, the Austin Community College District Board of Trustees welcomed newly elected trustees and recognized outgoing board members, reviewed the 2016 Student Success Report, and heard an update about ACC … Continue reading

Faculty: Learn about incorporating open course materials at presentation Sept. 30
Do you have questions about open online course materials and whether they can work in your teaching? Dr. David Wiley, co-founder and chief academic officer of Lumen Learning and nationally recognized expert in open content, … Continue reading

ACC selects OER course developers, reviewers
The following Austin Community College faculty have been selected to develop and review courses that use open educational resources (OER) instead of commercial textbooks. Students taking the courses will be able to earn an associate … Continue reading

Achieving the Dream recertifies ACC’s ‘Leader College’ status
Achieving the Dream, the national initiative aimed at improving student success at community colleges, has recertified Austin Community College as a Leader College. Leader Colleges are considered exemplars in improving student outcomes and elevating the … Continue reading

Faculty: Apply for OER project by July 29
Austin Community College faculty interested in working on a project to create open educational resources that are used statewide and available to instructors around the world should apply by Friday, July 29. ACC is collaborating … Continue reading

ACC receives grant to develop open educational resources
Austin Community College is part of a consortium of colleges that have been awarded a $300,000 grant from the Achieving the Dream organization to develop degree programs that can be completed using open educational resources … Continue reading