Story by Christian Santiago, reporter
Jeanne Clery did not know anyone else was in her dorm room. She was killed by a fellow student on April 5, 1986 at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania.
Her parents learned that the university had not informed the students of the 38 crimes committed on campus the previous years. In light of losing their daughter, the Clerys worked towards having a crime reporting law enacted. With the adoption of the Clery act, all universities and colleges across the nation are required to release a complete, annual report of all crimes committed by students, faculty, and staff.
ACC released their report for 2014, outlining the jurisdiction and methods ACC uses to protect its students and employees such as around the clock use of ACC police on all ACC properties under its control.
The report mentions the use of background checks on all students, faculty, and staff member during their individual application process.
ACC holds strict policy guidelines involving those convicted of sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. A list of all registered sexual offenders is available on the ACC Police Department’s website.
ACC holds annual security awareness and crime prevention events, encouraging all individuals to report crimes to ACC police. Retaliation against any person reporting a crime is prohibited.
ACC complies with guidelines established by federal, state, and local laws in regard to the illegal use of drugs and alcohol. Drug and alcohol counseling is available to students and staff. Drug and alcohol awareness week, also known as Red Ribbon Week, takes place on October 23- 31.
Crimes reported on ACC properties in 2014:
5 reports of domestic violence
1 report of dating violence
3 reports of aggravated assaults
2 reports of robbery
13 reports of burglary
4 reports of arson
1 report of motor vehicle theft
1 weapons offense
5 liquor offenses
48 drug offenses
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