Frequently Asked Questions
What's the first step to apply?
First, you must be enrolled at ACC. Please see this page for information about how to get started.
What happens when a class is closed that I really need for my program/degree?
Dr. Espinosa, Department Chair, will no longer be able to add students to classes that are closed. Please read below for the policy on getting into a class that is closed.
“During registration, the established college procedure is followed. If a desired course is filled, get on the waitlist. The student should continue to check for openings leading up to and during the drop/add period and register for the desired class if an opening occurs. At the end of the drop/add period, students who can provide documentation of need for a co-requisite course in order to maintain program admission status will be referred to the Associate Dean, Estrella Barrera at [email protected]. In rare instances, these students may be admitted to the required co-requisite course on a space available basis.”
What if I register for a class because it is the only one that has openings in which I do not plan to attend? I plan on attending a class that is currently closed.
You will not be allowed to attend a class in which you are not enrolled. This is college policy and will be strictly enforced. The student needs to continue to monitor the website for openings for the section in which they want to enroll.
Can I take Anatomy, or Intro to Anatomy and Physiology and Pharmacology (HPRS 2300) in the same semester?
No. You must take Anatomy and Physiology I or BIOL 2404 Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology and pass with a grade of “C” or better, or pass the Pre-Pharmacology Assessment Exam prior to enrolling in Pharmacology.
No exceptions will be allowed. You must know the anatomy and physiology of the body prior to learning pharmacology. In other words, you must know how the body works before learning how the drugs work on the body.
What are the prerequisites for Pharmacology, HPRS 2300?
Human Anatomy (BIOL 2304/2101) OR Human Physiology (BIOL 2305/2102) OR Anatomy and Physiology (BIOL 2404) OR BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I (4 credit hours) with a grade of C or better OR pass a pre-pharmacology departmental assessment exam over Anatomy and Physiology course objectives. You must bring proof of prerequisites to orientation or your first class meeting (grade report, transcript).
What are the prerequisites for Pathophyisology (HPRS 2301 or HPRS 2201)?
Completion of 4 credit hours of BIOL 2304 and BIOL 2101 or BIOL 2404 or BIOL 2401; AND HPRS 1106 or HPRS 1206 or HITT 1305. Bring proofs of prerequisites to first class meeting or orientation (grade report, transcript). There will be no exceptions.
Can I take a class without meeting the prerequisites for the course?
You will not be allowed to take a course without meeting the course prerequisites. The prerequisites are in place for students to have the opportunity for student success. No exceptions.
What if I have taken Cellular Biology or Microbiology? Will this count as my A&P I course prior to taking Pharmacology?
No. You must know the anatomy and physiology of the body prior to learning the pharmacology.
What is the difference between HPRS 1106 and HPRS 1206? They are both titled "Medical Terminology."
HPRS 1106 is a survey course required of the Physical Therapy Assistant, Radiology, Medical Lab Technicians, and Pharmacy Technician Programs. This is a one credit hour course.
HPRS 1206 is a comprehensive 2-credit hour course designed for Sonography and Surgery Technologist programs. Please refer to the course description for more information. This course is offered via hybrid, traditional, and Online.
Do I need to have comprehension of English in order to pass Medical Terminology?
Yes, student must have comprehension of reading, writing, and speaking the English language for successful completion of this course. Students not proficient in English should contact Retention and Student Support Services for remediation and assistance.
What is the Pre-Pharmacology Assessment Examination?
The assessment is in place as an alternative entry of meeting the Anatomy and Physiology prerequisite for the Pharmacology Course. If a student passes the assessment, this does not count for credit of the actual prerequisite course.
Who is a candidate to take the Pre-Pharmacology Assessment Examination?
Any student who has prior and comprehensive knowledge in Anatomy and Physiology.
How can I find out more about the Pre-Pharmacology Assessment Examination?
Please click here for guidelines for the Allied Health Science Pre-Pharmacology Assessment Examination.
Who do I contact in order to get some information on the health science programs that ACC has to offer?
A list of the Health Sciences programs is listed on the ACC Health Sciences Home Page. You can also contact the Health Sciences Admissions Office online or by calling (512) 223-5700.
What does ONL mean as a classroom mode?
ONL stands for On-line Course Learning. The student enrolled in this course should have basic computer skills in order to successfully complete the course. Most ONL courses are conducted entirely via internet, email, or blackboard, which is an online delivery system. Students view the course content on the internet or by visiting the library to view the videotapes of the lectures. ONL courses require that you do a mandatory online orientation, in which all of the course information is explained. The course has deadlines for assignments and exact dates to take exams. The student is responsible for watching all lectures, keeping up with the assignments and quizzes, and taking exams by the deadlines given. The exams are taking at the testing center of the ACC campus of your choice. The professor will help in facilitating the course and answer any questions that may arise.
What is a hybrid course?
A hybrid course is a course in which a significant portion of the learning activities have been moved online, and time traditionally spent in the classroom is reduced but not eliminated.
How will a hybrid course be conducted?
Once a week students attend class/lecture in a classroom, which represents 55% of the course time. On other select days, students complete class related activities on the internet, which represents 45% of the course time.
How will a Hybrid Distance Course(HYD) be conducted?
I want to take an online course through distance learning, but I do not live near or in the Austin area. Is this possible?
This is an option but a form for remote testing must be completed by the student and submitted to the distance learning department for approval. This will also require instructor approval.
Are there courses that I can challenge in this department? If so, what are the requirements in order to do so?
Courses can be challenged by a student if the student meets the required prerequisites established for the course. The following courses currently have challenge examinations: HPRS 2300 – Pharmacology for Health Professionals, HPRS 1106 and HPRS 1206 – Medical Terminology, and HPRS 2301 – Pathophysiology. If you are interested in challenging one of these courses, the student must be a current ACC student with a least 1 credit hour at ACC. In order to take these exams, you must meet the established prerequisites for the course. The prerequisites can be found in the college catalog. For Challenge Exam process information visit the Allied Health Sciences Student Resource Page.
Interested students should contact the Health Sciences Admissions Office at 512.223.5700 for more information regarding the process. For a list of prerequisites for the courses above, please visit the Allied Health Sciences course description page.
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Allied Health Sciences Updates
TEAS Testing Requirements for Health Sciences Applicants
A TEAS Exam score is required to apply to the following programs: Dental Hygiene, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Radiology, and Vocational Nursing.
If you are not applying to one of the programs above, then you are not required to take the TEAS Exam at this time. Please refer to the Application Process page for your program to see all application requirements.
Read moreAttention! All students that have not been accepted into an ACC Health Sciences program…
All students who have not been accepted into an ACC Health Sciences program should declare General Studies in Pre-Health Sciences (Associate of Science) for their major. Once accepted into a program, the student's major will be updated.
Read moreStudent Success Course Requirement
The department offers a Student Success for Health Professionals course, HPRS 1171. This course can be used as an option for the required Student Success course in degree plans.
Read more