Application Process

Computed Tomography Application Process

Before you proceed with the application process, we encourage you to read the Computed Tomography FAQ. If you need additional help, please contact us.

Applicants must be enrolled in Austin Community College. Click here for more information. Admission to Austin Community College does not guarantee admission to a Health Sciences program.

To be eligible for the Computed Tomography (CT) Advanced Technical Certificate program, the student must meet the Technical Standards required by the program as well as one of the following criteria:

  1. Must be a Texas State Licensed Medical Radiologic Technologist
  2. Must carry a primary current certification in one of these areas:
    • Radiology R.T.(R)(ARRT)
    • Nuclear Medicine R.T. (N) (ARRT or NMTCB)
    • Radiation Therapy R.T.(T)(ARRT)
    • Texas State Licensed Medical Radiologic Technologists (MRT)
  3. Must be a diagnostic medical imaging student in the final semester of an accredited Radiologic Technology, Medicine, or Radiation therapy program.
    • If you are currently enrolled in a diagnostic medical imaging program at ACC or another college or university it is possible to apply to the ACC Computed Tomography program before you graduate. For more info, see the “Special Notes” section at the bottom of this page.
  4. Must be a recent graduate from an accredited Radiologic Technology, Nuclear Medicine or Radiation Therapy program.
    • Candidates must submit a letter from their Program Director and pass their primary registry prior to the academic withdrawal date of the Fall semester or be withdrawn from the program. See the “Special Notes” section below for letter content instructions.

Computed Tomography Program applications are accepted annually from April 1 to June 8 at 11:59 p.m. If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the due date will end on the next business day.

To view the Computed Tomography Advanced Technical Certificate plan, click here.

All Applicants:

  1. Activate your ACC email account. All correspondence regarding your application will be sent to your ACC email address. For information on how to set up your ACC email account, please see this page.
  2. Unofficial copies of transcripts other than ACC (Official transcripts must be submitted to ACC Admissions and Records)

For DECLARED Applicants

declared student is a registered or registry-eligible radiologic technologist who is seeking ARRT post-primary certification for Computed Tomography. The declared student is not currently employed in this specialty and needs both the didactic and clinical education components arranged by ACC to complete their ARRT post-primary application. The declared student will be enrolled in both the didactic and clinical components of the program. The Advanced Technical Certificate is only awarded if both the didactic and clinical courses outlined in the degree plan are successfully completed. A change in enrollment status at any point during the program will nullify the earning of the Advanced Technical Certificate in the discipline. Declared students will be eligible to enroll in the three didactic courses and two clinical courses.

  1. Get a current American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) CPR certification.
  2. Go to the CastleBranch website and click the link “Place Order.”
  3. Enter UL64im in the “Package Code” field. After entering your personal information, the system will prompt you to upload your 1-page immunization form for each of the four required immunizations. The cost to set up the account is $47. NOTE: If you have previously completed your immunizations in Castle Branch for ACC Health Sciences, you do not need to repeat this step. 
  4. Next input code UL51im in the “Package Code” field. The system will prompt you to upload the following:
    • Copy of current certification card: ARRT with registry in Radiography (R), Nuclear Medicine, or Radiation Therapy or letter from Program Director if a student in good standing or recent graduate eligible to take registry exam
    • Copy of current Texas Medical Board license (if applicable to discipline)
    • Front and back copy of current American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) CPR Certification

Documents are approved when you receive a green check next to the requirement. All items must be approved in CastleBranch before an application will be accepted.

For UNDECLARED Applicants

An undeclared student is not eligible to earn the Advanced Technical Certificate. An undeclared student is a registered or registry-eligible radiologic technologist who is pursuing ARRT post-primary credentials in Computed Tomography, is currently employed in Computed Tomography, and would like ACC to provide them with the didactic, structured education requirements only to apply and prepare them for the ARRT-CT Exam. The undeclared student has made arrangements outside of ACC to meet the clinical requirements of the ARRT-CT application. The undeclared student will only enroll in the didactic courses. The ATC is only awarded to those who successfully complete both the didactic and clinical courses outlined in the Computed Tomography Advanced Technical Certificate Plan through ACC. It is the sole responsibility of the undeclared student to ensure they meet all of the ARRT-CT requirements to apply for the ARRT- Computed Tomography registry exam.

  1. Undeclared applicants do not need to create a CastleBranch account.

For DECLARED Applicants

  1. You must have clearance from CastleBranch (green checks = clearance) before submitting your application.
  2. Print and fill out the Radiology Advanced Technical Certificates Application Form.
  3. Applications will not be accepted in person until further notice. Follow the instructions on this page to submit your application remotely.

Incomplete packets will not be processed and will be returned.

For UNDECLARED Applicants

  1. Prepare the following documents with your Radiology Application Technical Certificates Application Form:
    • Copy of your current ARRT certification card with registry in Radiography, Nuclear Medicine or Radiation Therapy
    • Copy of current Texas Medical Board license (if applicable to discipline)
    • Unofficial copies of transcripts other than ACC (Official transcripts must be submitted to ACC Admissions and Records)
  2. Applications will not be accepted in person until further notice. Follow the instructions on this page to submit your application remotely.

Incomplete packets will not be processed and will be returned.

The Computed Tomography program has a limited number of program seats based on clinical site availability. In the event that the number of applicants exceeds the number of program seats, an admissions ranking process will be initiated.

Please note that a “P” grade will not be calculated in determining the GPA for ranking purposes and could impact your total ranking score. For questions regarding choosing a “P” versus a performance grade (A, B, C) please contact [email protected].

  • Final ranking scores are arranged from the highest score to the lowest score. The top applicants are offered a position in the program.
  • If the same ranking score is achieved by more than one applicant, those applications will then be ranked by the date and time of application submission.
  • In the event someone declines a position or does not respond by the stated deadline, the program will offer the position to the applicant next in line in the ranking.

Offers of admission are emailed to the applicant immediately upon conclusion of the application review and (if applicable) the ranking process.

Provisional Admission Information for Declared Students

Admission to the Computed Tomography program for declared students is provisional until the following clinical requirements are met. Do not take action on these items until instructed by the department:

If you have concerns about events in your background, you may contact the Health Sciences Compliance Coordinator Lisa Enloe at (512) 223-5867 or [email protected].

  • You are encouraged to view the Computed Tomography FAQ for more information on the program, eligibility, clinical hours, etc.
  • Students interested in the Computed Tomography program are advised to be diligent and proactive in routinely reviewing this website for updates to the application process and/or the degree plan and for department announcements.
  • Post primary credentialing information from the ARRT can be found here.

Early Application for Current Diagnostic Imaging Students

If you are currently enrolled in a diagnostic medical imaging program at ACC or another college or university, it is possible to apply to the ACC Computed Tomography program before you graduate.

Instead of providing your TMB-GMRT (Texas Medical Board General Medical Radiologic Technologist) card and ARRT registry card, you will need a signed letter from the department chair of your program. The letter should indicate the following:

  • Student’s name
  • College or University name
  • Expected date of graduation
  • Contact information for the current educational program
  • State that you are in good standing and likely to graduate with your class
  • State that you are not currently on academic probation
  • State that you are not currently involved in any progressive disciplinary actions

ACC students can contact Department Chair Kate Verdun at [email protected] for the letter.

Recent Graduates: Letter from Program Director Instructions

If a recent graduate from an accredited Radiologic Technology, Nuclear Medicine or Radiation Therapy program, you must submit in lieu of your license/registry a letter from your Program Director on school letterhead with the following information:

  • Student’s name
  • Program name and degree earned
  • Date of graduation
  • Eligible to take registry exam

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Computed Tomography Updates

  • General Health Sciences Information Sessions

    These sessions are presented by Health Sciences Faculty Advisors and provide an overview of the health training options available at the college, the steps needed to apply and the expectations for success.

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  • Feedback Hub: Share your voice!

    The Health Sciences division is hosting a walk-in session to gather your feedback on our forms processes and website.

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  • Bats to Cats Transfer Program

    Start at ACC and transfer seamlessly to Texas State University! If you are pursuing a Bachelor's degree, get the details on admissions requirements, deadlines, and financial support.

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