Application Process for Traditional Track

The Nursing Programs (Professional Nursing and Vocational Nursing) at Austin Community College will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, October 9th, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Eastview Campus in Room 8362 as part of our ACEN continuing accreditation process.
Please come to meet with the site visit team and share your comments about our programs.
See the ACEN Accreditation Public Notice Letter for more information

Application Process for Traditional Track

Before you proceed with the application process, we encourage you to read the Professional Nursing FAQ. If you need additional help, please contact us.

  • Applicants must be enrolled in Austin Community College. Click here for more information. Admission to Austin Community College does not guarantee admission to a Health Sciences program.
  • The Traditional Track is open to non-licensed students. A Health Science background is not required to apply.
  • All prerequisites must be completed by the application deadline.
  • Applicants must meet the Technical Standards required by the program.

Applications are accepted only within time frames listed below. If a deadline begins or ends on a weekend, the date will begin/end on the next business day. All prerequisites must be completed by the application deadline.

  • Spring 2025: April 5 – August 5, 2024 (extended)
  • Fall 2025: November 9 – March 24, 2025
  • Spring 2026: April 5 – June 1, 2025
  • Fall 2026: November 9 – April 1, 2026

To view the current Associate Degree Nursing Traditional (AAS) degree plan for 2024-25, click here.

  1. Activate your ACC email account. All correspondence regarding your application will be sent to your ACC email address. For information on how to set up your ACC email account, please see this page.
  2. For students requesting an appointment, you must complete the Information Session prior to your appointment. A meeting is not required to apply to the program.
  3. Review the Professional Nursing website and complete a mandatory Information Session and Post Test. Retain a copy of the Post Test confirmation email to submit to CastleBranch later as part of the application process.
  4. Complete program-required immunizations and retain a copy of your immunization form.
  5. Complete all prerequisite courses with a minimum GPA of 2.7. We accept grades of “C” or better. If you were enrolled in a Spring 2020 prerequisite course, please see this page.
    • BIOL 2401: Anatomy and Physiology I – An assessment test is required before permission is given for this course. Permission is given through the Biology Department. Click here for more information.
    • BIOL 2402: Anatomy and Physiology II – An assessment test is not required in order to register for this course. Successful completion of BIOL 2401 is a prerequisite. BIOL 2402 must have been completed within 5 years of the application deadline.
    • BIOL 2420: Microbiology – Successful completion of BIOL 1406, BIOL 2401, or BIOL 2404 is a prerequisite. BIOL 2420 must have been completed within 5 years of the application deadline. BIOL 2421 can be accepted in place of BIOL 2420.
    • HPRS 2300: Pharmacology for Health Professions – Successful completion of BIOL 2401, BIOL 2404, or BIOL 2304/BIOL 2101 is a prerequisite. See the ACC College Catalog for math testing requirement.
    • Completion of either BIOL 2304/2101 & BIOL 2305/2102 OR BIOL 2401 & BIOL 2402 is also required.
  6. You are encouraged to complete the 3 co-requisites — PSYC 2301: Introduction to Psychology, ENGL 1301: English Composition 1, and PHIL 2306: Ethics — with a grade before being admitted to the program. Co-requisites are not required to apply but will result in a higher ranking if some/all are complete at time of application. If you were enrolled in a Spring 2020 co-requisite course, please see this page.
  7. During the application period (see “Deadline” above), go to the CastleBranch website and click the link “Place Order.”
  8. Enter UL64im in the “Package Code” field. After entering your personal information, the system will prompt you to upload your 1-page immunization form for each of the four required immunizations. The cost to set up the account is $47.
  9. Next input code UL32im in the “Package Code” field. The system will prompt you to upload the following application documents:
  10. Complete the TEAS Admission Assessment during or after completion of your final prerequisite semester.  You will need to sign up with ATI-TEAS in order to register. Instructions to activate your ATI-TEAS account are found in the TEAS Registration Form.
  1. After completing the CastleBranch requirements (green checks = clearance), minimum GPA of 2.7 in 4 prerequisites (GPA is not rounded), and passing the TEAS Test, you should download your application for Associate Degree Nursing – Traditional Track:
  2. First-time applicants must print and complete the application and prepare the following:
    • Transcripts/course descriptions from colleges other than ACC, if applicable.
    • Copy of TEAS Test scores — printed from ATI student account.
    • Copy of CastleBranch showing all requirements complete.
  3. Re-Applicants should only upload the one-page re-application form.
  4. Create a single PDF from all documents in Step 2. Then click here to upload the PDF of your application and supporting documents (if applicable). You must be logged in with your ACC email address to upload.
  5. After applications are submitted, students should refer to the Application Status Update page for upcoming information.
  6. Once eligible students start applying, they will be granted a petition via their ACC email to register for RNSG 1105.  This petition will be based only for students that rank highest on their prerequisite GPA first (first round).  After the application deadline, the remaining students will be granted a petition to register for RNSG 1105 with the same criteria mentioned above and RNSG 1105 availability (second round).
  • New classes start each Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Competitive ranking based on GPA in prerequisites, co-requisites, TEAS score and review points. Additional review points are given to re-applicants.
  • The Professional Nursing Department uses a mathematical formula to compute an applicant ranking score based on four criteria. This ranking score is used to select qualified applicants for admission into the ADN Program. The formula is as follows: Rank = (Nursing GPA) X (# of degree plan courses completed) + (TEAS points) + (Review points earned)
Nursing Prereq GPA – computed with only four prereq courses. Must be 2.7GPA to move forward. This GPA is not rounded.

Nursing GPA – computed for degree plan courses only (prerequisite and co-requisite courses).

*Note: the prerequisite GPA is calculated first before adding in any co-requisite courses. The prerequisite courses must be a minimum 2.7. This GPA is not rounded up.

Must be 2.7 GPA or higher
Number of Degree Plan Courses – Prerequisite and co-requisite courses listed for the AAS in Nursing. Possible 4-7
TEAS Points – Based on ATI test score
Passing scores = 68% or higher (total score)
Score of 90-100% (10 points)

Score of 78-89% (7 points)

Score of 68-77% (4 points)

Review Points – Points are earned each time the application is reviewed for admission.

  • Each new eligible applicant earns one (1) point for attending or completing an online information session.
  • Five (5) points will be added to the ranking score for the first review totaling 6 points on the first review.
  • An additional three (3) points will be added to your ranking score if you have honorable military service and/or previous (active and unencumbered) healthcare licensure/certification. *Effective for the Spring 2023 application cycle.
  • An additional two (2) points if you have taken HPRS 1106 OR HPRS 1206 Essentials of Medical Terminology (with a C or better).
    • Please note: This is NOT a mandatory course. Effective for the Fall 2025 application cycle.
  • An additional five (5) points will be added to your ranking score each time you re-apply for admission. Missing 2 or more reapplication periods will result in the loss of all accumulated ranking points. Applications are only retained on file for one year after becoming inactive.
  • Declining: A student can defer one time without penalty and still accumulate ranking points (+5) the next time they apply. Deferring a second time would result in the loss of all accumulated ranking points.
  • When: Admission reviews are conducted twice each year. During the Spring review, applicants are selected for the upcoming Spring semester. During the Fall review, applicants are selected for the upcoming Fall semester.
  • How: All applications and re-applications turned in during an admission cycle are reviewed and ranked to compile the current ranking list. Applicants are selected for admission based on their placement on the current ranking list from highest rank to lowest rank. The ADN Program does not maintain a rank list that allows an applicant to automatically advance in rank from one application cycle to the next. To be considered for admission you must either apply or re-apply during each admission cycle. The new ranking list is compiled from only those who applied during that cycle. This may result in upward or downward movement on the rank from one cycle to the next as individual scores are compared to the scores of all the applicants in the current pool at that time. Each applicant selected for admission will be notified via email and given a deadline to accept or decline the invitation to join the upcoming class. Acceptance letters are sent to each applicant in order of rank until all available seats in the class are filled. Applicants who do not respond to letters of acceptance will be removed from the applicant pool and lose all review points.
  • It is critical that each applicant maintain current contact information on file with the college Admissions Office and the Nursing Office (name, address, and telephone number) since these are the official sources of information for contacting applicants.
  • If an applicant is unable to begin the ADN program at the schedule time after having accepted the admission, the applicant must notify the ADN Program Admissions Coordinator at least forty-five (45) days prior to the first class day. Failure to do so will result in the loss of all review points AND the student will be required to skip an application cycle.
  • Please note that to be compliant with clinical facility requirements, a mandatory Criminal Background Check (CBC) and Drug Screening will be required prior to admission to the ADN Program. Specific timelines must be met, therefore do not submit the CBC or Drug Screen until instructed by the program.

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Professional Nursing Updates

  • General Health Sciences Information Sessions

    These sessions are presented by Health Sciences Faculty Advisors and provide an overview of the health training options available at the college, the steps needed to apply and the expectations for success.

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  • Feedback Hub: Share your voice!

    The Health Sciences division is hosting a walk-in session to gather your feedback on our forms processes and website.

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  • Bats to Cats Transfer Program

    Start at ACC and transfer seamlessly to Texas State University! If you are pursuing a Bachelor's degree, get the details on admissions requirements, deadlines, and financial support.

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