Application Process

Surgical Technology Application Process

Before you proceed with the application process, we encourage you to read the Surgical Technology FAQ. If you need additional help, please contact us.

  • Applicants must be enrolled in Austin Community College. Click here for more information. Admission to Austin Community College does not guarantee admission to a Health Sciences program.
  • The Surgical Technology program is open to all students. A health science background is not required to apply.
  • Applicants must meet the Technical Standards required by the program.

Applications for this program are accepted on an on-going basis once all admission requirements have been met. Students are admitted based on their application date on a first-come, first-serve basis.

ARC/STSA Board of Directors have mandated language related to Standard I. A. Sponsorship of the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Education Programs in Surgical Technology as follows:

All graduates must complete the program with a minimum of an Associate Degree on or after August 1, 2021.

This applies to all students entering the Surgical Technology program with a Fall 2020 start date and thereafter.

To view the Surgical Technology Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree plan, click here.

  1. Activate your ACC email account. All correspondence regarding your application will be sent to your ACC email address. For information on how to set up your ACC email account, please see this page.
  2. Complete the immunization requirements and document immunizations on the required Health Sciences immunization form.
  3. Review the mandatory online Information Session, then print and keep a copy of the post-test confirmation email.
  4. Complete all prerequisite courses with a minimum GPA of 2.7. We accept grades of “C” or better. Please note that a “P” grade will not be calculated in determining the GPA. Courses may be in progress if started in Spring 2025 and Summer 2025 to apply for the Fall 2025 semester.
    • BIOL 2401: Anatomy and Physiology I
    • BIOL 2402: Anatomy and Physiology II (must be completed within 5 years of the application deadline; BIOL 2401 is a prerequisite.)
    • BIOL 2420: Introduction to Microbiology (must be completed within 5 years of the application deadline; BIOL 2401 is a prerequisite.)
    • HPRS 2300: Pharmacology for Health Professions (BIOL 2401 is a prerequisite.)
    • HPRS 1106: Essentials of Medical Terminology
    • MATH 1314: College Algebra (or MATH 1332: College Mathematics, or MATH 1342: Elementary Statistics, or higher level math course; MATH 1333 not accepted)
  5. Due to the rigorous nature of the program, you are strongly encouraged to complete the 3 co-requisite courses before entering the Associate of Applied Science degree program. If these classes are completed at time of application, they will be calculated in the GPA:
    • ENGL 1301: English Composition I
    • PSYC 2301: Introduction to Psychology
    • PHIL 2306: Ethics (or a 3-credit hour Language/Philosophy/Culture or Creative Arts course from the core curriculum list)
  6. Obtain official transcripts for coursework taken at any schools other than ACC.
  7. Go to the CastleBranch website and click the link “Place Order.”
  8. Enter UL64im in the “Package Code” field. After entering your personal information, the system will prompt you to upload your 1-page immunization form for each of the four required immunizations. The cost to set up the account is $47.
  9. Next input code UL83im in the “Package Code” field. The system will prompt you to upload your signed Information Session post-test confirmation email.
  10. Documents are approved when you receive a green check next to the requirement. All items must be approved in CastleBranch before your application will be accepted.
  1. After completing the steps above for CastleBranch (green checks = clearance), download your application for the Surgical Technology program.
  2. Applications will not be accepted in person until further notice. Follow the instructions on this page to submit your application remotely.

Applications for the Surgical Technology program are accepted on an on-going basis. Admission is based on application date. Upon receipt of your completed application, you will be placed in the next beginning class in which openings are available.

The program admits students twice a year:

  • Fall: 24 students admitted, 12 at Eastview Campus and 12 at Round Rock Campus
  • Spring: 24 students admitted, 12 at Eastview Campus and 12 at Round Rock Campus

Provisional Admission Information

Admission to the Surgical Technology program is provisional until the following clinical requirements are met. Do not take action on these items until instructed by the department:

If you have concerns about events in your background, you may contact the Health Sciences Compliance Coordinator Lisa Enloe at (512) 223-5867 or [email protected].

Deferral Policy

Students may defer their admission to the next admission cycle with a limit of 2 deferrals. For example:

  • Defer Fall admission to following Spring semester = deferral #1,
  • Defer Spring semester to following Fall semester   = deferral #2/deferral limit met

All admission criteria must be met for the semester the student enters the program. For example:

  • In the event any of your courses expire under the 5-year time limit rule during your deferral period, the expired course(s) will need to be repeated prior to being admitted under the deferral policy.
  • Once the 2 semester limit is reached, the student must reapply with a new application, meet all current admission criteria, and be assigned to the next available seat in the program.
  • Surgical Technology degree plan course equivalents or substitutions can be found here.
  • Students interested in the Surgical Technology program are advised to be diligent and proactive in routinely reviewing this website for updates to the application process and/or the degree plan and for department announcements.
  • All student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution, in the capacity of a surgical technologist.
  • Credit may not be awarded for military surgical technology training. Credit may be awarded for supporting courses like Pharmacology and Medical Terminology. Please visit to learn how to receive credit for your training.

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Surgical Technology Updates

  • Castlebranch new account creation process

    There is a new process to create a Castlebranch account. Preview the new process and other videos to help you create your Castlebranch account.

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  • ACC Health Sciences Regional Simulation Center

    As the area’s number one educator of healthcare professionals, ACC’s Health Sciences Area of Study equips students for the important work that lies ahead. Our program is amongst the best in the state, and our graduates outperform students from across the nation.

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  • ACC and AFD Celebrate Five Years of Red Angels Partnership

    A new plaque proudly hangs on the walls of ACC’s Health Sciences building at Eastview Campus — celebrating five years of making a difference in the community.

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