Did you get my assignment?
I teach between 5 and 7 classes per semester, so I cannot tell you off the top of my head if I’ve received something. I try to contact people if a major assignment submission is missing or incorrect. I recommend checking the Blackboard grade center, where you can see all items you have completed at all times.
Where do I go to complete assignments for this course?
I have posted ALL assignments that are due in Blackboard. I provide navigation tips to each class.
When is a specific assignment due?
I have created a course calendar (which may be part of the syllabus or a separate document) that lists all due dates for this course. This calendar correlates with the deadlines in Blackboard.
I don’t see an assignment that is due. Why can’t I see it?
Some assignments are only available after you complete another assignment. Most assignments are available for two weeks. If the late submission deadline for an assignment has passed, you will not see it anymore.
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