
The courses I teach are text-centered courses, which means that every part of the course will necessitate the use of the text. I only require books that we will use extensively.

Wherever possible,  I use FIRST DAY ACCESS textbooks. First Day Access Texts are included at a reduced rate in the digital materials fee for the course. Students may opt-out of this access before a specified date. For more information on the First Day Access program, see the First Day Access page.

Required Texts:

SPCH 1311: Introduction to Speech Communication

Required Text: Steven McCornack and Joseph Ortiz, Choices and Connections: An Introduction to Communication, 2nd edition, ISBN 9781319115173
This package includes the text and LaunchPad access. LaunchPad access is included in the price of the text and is required for the course.

First Day Access includes LaunchPad

Handbook covering MLA format (see below)

SPCH 1315: Public Speaking

Required Text: Douglas M. Fraleigh and Joseph S. Tuman, Speak Up!: An Illustrated Guide to Public Speaking, 1st edition, ISBN 9781319296285
This package includes the text and LaunchPad access. LaunchPad access is included in the price of the text and is required for the course.

First Day Access includes LaunchPad

Handbook covering MLA format (see below)

SPCH 1318: Interpersonal Communication


Required Text: Steven McCornack, Interpersonal Communication and You, 1st edition, ISBN 9781319025557
This package includes the text and LaunchPad access. LaunchPad access is included in the price of the text and is required for the course.

First Day Access includes LaunchPad

SPCH 1321: Business and Professional Communication

Required Text: Ronald B. Adler, Michelle Maresh-Fuehrer, Jeanne Elmhorst, and Kristen Lucas, Communicating at Work, 12th edition, ISBN: 9780077649289

Handbook covering MLA format (see below)

Cover of In Mixed Company

SPCH 2333: Discussion and Small Group Communication

Required Text: J. Dan Rothwell, In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups and Teams, 10th edition, ISBN: 9780190919900


Recommended Handbook for SPCH 1311, SPCH 1315, and SPCH 1321

This handbook is NOT included in First Day Access.

These courses include a research component, so students should have a handbook showing how to use MLA documentation. I have ordered Diana Hacker and Barbara Fister, Research and Documentation in the Digital Age, 7th edition, ISBN 9781319152437.

  • If you already have a handbook showing how to use current MLA documentation, you may substitute that one.

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