Soon or later, poets and other writers have to confront or avoid a series of decision moments. They have to admit that they are not the first and only poets to have ever lived. With this admission comes the relation that everything they write has a historical precedent, whether they know it or not. Therefore, when a reader or listener meets their work, each reader will bring his or her own knowledge of these precedents. The more that writers know of these precedents the better equipped to make informed decisions about what kind of poet they want to be, and what kind of poetry they want to write. And, therefore, the better equipped they will be to welcome or thwart the expectations of their readers.
I am not saying one has to choose one side and stick with it forever. I am not saying that these moments as listed form a simple dichotomy of reality and that life isn’t much more complicated. I am not saying that one has to select one side to the exclusion of the other side. I am saying that when one writes, one will come to a moment in the process, in the composition, where one will realize that one can be either, for instance, optimistic or pessimistic. That theme, that choice, for your characters or for the narrator will present itself. Choices will present themselves: do I write in long loose sentences or in short choppy ones? Does this scene take place in outside in moonlight or in the sun, or inside? Is this poem asking to be a short poem or a long poem? Is this work a prose poem, flash fiction or short story? Do I what to show present my character in this story through actions or thoughts? Am I writing this work for others or for myself? That is all I mean. When you read other writers’ work, think about these decision moments in their work. What can you learn from them?
Yin vs Yang
Male vs Female
Apollo vs Dionysus
Light vs Dark
Optimistic vs Pessimistic
Outward Focus vs Inward Focus
Research vs Observation
Projection vs Memory
Loud vs Soft
Large vs Small
Shape vs Sound
Form vs Organic
Studied vs Spontaneous
Political/Social vs Personal/Familial
Inaccessible vs Accessible
Elitist vs Populist
Poetic vs Anti-Poetic
Literature/Art vs Expression/Therapy
Maker vs Seer