Author Archives: Edward Terry


Welcome to my web page at Austin Community College.  This will be a site where I will attempt to bring together several of my “presences” on the web.  Primarily, though, this site will feature my professional life as a teacher at Austin Community College and as a writer.

Please look at the menu and there you will see that you can read about my life at ACC for the past 37 years and find my CV (that’s just a fancy term for resume).  You can find syllabi, course materials, and links to the courses I teach in creative writing and in humanities.  The class materials are not intended to be a substitute for all the class material on Blackboard, the on-line interface that ACC uses, but those here will be more quickly accessible.  I am also adding texts of some published poems and essays.  

Please look for links for videos of poetry readings, class lectures, and performances.

I will be happy to “Friend” you on my personal Facebook page.